

From: Santiago Pericasgeertsen <santiago.pericasgeertsen_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 10:56:17 -0500

Dear Experts,

 As mentioned by Pavel a few days back, it’s important that we share the progress we made around Rx and SSE in the last few weeks in the form of an Early Draft Release (yes, it’s been a while :).

 Pavel and I have been working to incorporate all the feedback received and have updated the API sources and specification document accordingly:

o API: https://maven.java.net/content/repositories/releases/javax/ws/rs/javax.ws.rs-api/2.1-m05/

o Spec: https://java.net/projects/jax-rs-spec/sources/spec/content/spec.pdf?rev=12e4435b5c11849658c9f7b2dc2aa72a20bfb506

 This is, of course, just an EDR. We shall continue to make improvements as we prepare for the PR.

 Thanks for all the hard work.

— Santiago & Pavel