
Re: [jax-rs-spec users] client proxy framework

From: Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 12:14:30 +0100

Hi Bill

So you are as old as me then if you are talking about the remainder of
the career :-).

I wish you had signed off in a more positive way, but hope all goes well
for you, it was a fun (most of the time :-))
working with you in this group.

Cheers, Sergey

On 18/04/16 15:39, Bill Burke wrote:
> Sigh..... I feel similarly about your SSE proposals, that they just
> don't belong in JAX-RS...But you are wrong about this proxy
> framework. Its only an RPC mechanism if users end up using it that
> way. Client app code is usually writing a method to encapsulate
> invoking on a specific REST service, this proxy framework just makes
> this process more efficient. Writing the same long boilerplate code
> for each and every client invocation gets quite tedious. Too bad you
> are too shortsighted to see it that way, but quite honestly, I just
> don't care that much anymore! :)
> So...cheers! Goodbye. That's it for me. Alessio Soldano will be
> taking over as Red Hat's rep on this Expert Group. I'll go about the
> proper chains to make that official. Personally, I hope to avoid the
> JCP for the remainder of my career. It was fun occasionally, but
> frustrating most other times.
> Finally, many of us are concerned on how much you guys have neglected
> the JAX-RS JSR lately. In talking to others at Red Hat and other
> companies, this seems to be a common occurrence for Oracle-led JSRs
> across the board. The responsible thing to do would be to hand off
> the torch if there is no desire or proper funds at Oracle to drive
> Java EE JSRs into the future. I've heard that some are considering
> action through the JCP if this neglect continues.
> On 4/18/2016 10:03 AM, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> Crossposting what I just replied to Adam on users mailing list wrt.
>> this thread:
>> /I would suggest to direct all your users who want this feature to
>> JAX-WS. That’s the proper RPC technology for this type of tight
>> client-server coupling./
>> We have discussed this at length earlier in JAX-RS 2.0. The position
>> of spec leads on this topic did not change since then.
>> Marek
>>> On 06 Apr 2016, at 15:06, Bill Burke <bburke_at_redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Ping. Again, this would be good feature to add IMO. Its simple to
>>> implement and would be used by a lot of developers. I need to know
>>> soon if this is something the spec leads are interested in. I'm
>>> about to renounce my JAX-RS EG membership and hand it off to
>>> somebody else at Red Hat as I'm really busy with other things. If
>>> there is interest in this proposal, I'll stick around to write it up.
>>> On 2/28/2016 6:13 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>> This is not a feature I came up with 1 week ago on a whim. Its a
>>>> proven feature that has been around for 5+ years in Resteasy and is
>>>> wildly popular. A number of other projects I'm involved with use
>>>> it to publish their REST interface as its something users have
>>>> demanded.
>>>> I'd be happy to write it up, but I need to know soon as my schedule
>>>> is really busy in 2016. IMO, it would probably be the most popular
>>>> feature of 2.1 if it was added. Even non-Resteasy users would be
>>>> familiar with it as its already documented in both revisions of my
>>>> JAX-RS RESTFul Java O'Reilly books which have also been around for
>>>> 5+ years. :)
>>>> Again, it would be something like this:
>>>> interface MyRestClient {
>>>> @GET
>>>> @Product("application/json")
>>>> @Path("{name}")
>>>> Customer get(@QueryParam("name") name);
>>>> }
>>>> Client client = ...;
>>>> MyRestClient proxy =
>>>> client.target("http://example.com").proxy(MyRestClient.class);
>>>> Customer cust = proxy.get("Bill Burke");
>>> --
>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>> http://bill.burkecentral.com
> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> http://bill.burkecentral.com