
RE: Proposed Plan

From: Markus KARG <markus_at_headcrashing.eu>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 20:11:54 +0200

Dear Specification Leads,

Dear Experts,


I am glad that finally there now will be at least _some_ progress on our JSR after months of apparent stagnancy and unclear status, and that the RI will provide at least _some_ of the proposed features!


This said, I need to tell you that after several presentations about JAX-RS 2.1 at JUGs and conferences in Europe, I noticed that the features proposed in the original specification request are clearly noticed and widely expected by the audiences -- all of them, not just numbers 1 through 4. My personal statistics is different from your plans:


Particular high interest (i. e. significantly more questions) had been shown on the following topics:



* Hypermedia (i. e. "full" REST)


Particular low interest (i. e. significantly less questions) had been shown on the following topics:





(If you are interested in more community stats I could do short ballot after my talk on JAX-RS at JUG Saint Gallen On October 29).


This not necessarily means that MVN and JSON-B is expected to be low priority, but it indicates that CDI and Hypermedia should not get discarted from the plan.


To sum up, I would say "yes" for a shorter plan, but "no" for only that particular four items.






From: Santiago Pericasgeertsen [mailto:santiago.pericasgeertsen_at_oracle.com]
Sent: Montag, 5. Oktober 2015 15:31
To: jsr370-experts_at_jax-rs-spec.java.net
Subject: Proposed Plan


Dear Experts,

 After a discussion with Marek, and mainly due to the slowness of the JSR thus far, I’d like to propose that we prioritize on what we consider the main features of the 2.1 release (in hindsight, we may have included too many features for a dot release!):

(1) Reactive API
(2) Non-blocking I/O
(3) SSE
(4) Alignment with MVC and JSON-B

 We feel that if we focus on these features, we should be able to produce an EDR before the end of the calendar year, and possibly deliver a complete spec within 9 months; alignment with the other specs will naturally depend on their schedule. Features not on this list would be considered for a future version of JAX-RS, either 2.2 or a 3.0.

 It is time that we show some progress to the community and the JCP, and we feel this more focused plan will get us there. We hope you will support us. We have actually done some work over the last weeks around Reactive and NIO that we plan share shortly.

— Santiago & Marek