
SSE in non-JavaEE environments

From: Markus KARG <markus_at_headcrashing.eu>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 22:31:01 +0100

Santiago and Marek,


I discovered one more issue with the SSE proposal and like to ask the
following question:


The SSE example you posted uses the @Singleton annotation from the
javax.inject package. Typically this instructs a Java EE server to create
exactly one instance of a JAX-RS resource, hence is a guarantee that both,
the SSE event source and the SSE event sink are defintively the same
instance due to the singleton JAX-RS resource. This constraint apparently is
needed to allow the SseEventOutput to correctly route the events from the
SSE event source (the one being triggered by a posting client) to the SSE
event sink (the one pushing SSE clients).


As the JAX-RS specification does not say that support for @Singleton is
mandatory on non-Java EE environments, the question is: How will this
routing from SSE source to SSE sink work on Java SE? Will it be necessary
for the application programmer to explicitly use a shared, static instance,
or do you plan to provide some kind of service registry where shared
SseEventOutput instances have to be looked up (which would also work on Java
EE as a common programming model)? Related is the question whether different
kinds of JAX-RS resources will be able to share an instance of
SseEventOutput, so for example Resource A will push and event to SSE clients
whenever a method of Resource B is invoked?


