This is sort of on the same level as my Servlet.nextgen comment in an
earlier thread. The idea here is that there would be a new deployable
jaxrs archive type in Java EE. There would need to be a way to describe
metadata in XML:
* all JAX-RS annotations could instead be specific in XML
* JAX-RS annotatiosn could be overriden in XML
* Would need a way to define security constraints like in servlet spec
* Would need to define authentication mechanisms and how they are
* Would need some APIs to come into JAX-RS. (i.e. being able to find
Client IP Address, some kind of Servlet Context equivalent to get info
about the deployment.
An alternative reaction to all this could be to get some JAX-RS
extensions to Servlet spec so that you could define JAX-RS metadata
within web.xml, etc..
I'm just throwing this out there for discussion.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat