
JAX-WS like Provider in JAX-RS

From: Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 16:10:16 +0000

Hi All,

Happy New Year,

I've seen a number of times users asking how to have a dynamic JAX-RS
service which would support various HTTP methods but without having to
annotate. Something like JAX-WS Provider [1].

How about introducing javax.ws.rs.ServiceProvider interface:

interface ServiceProvider {
    Response invoke(InputStream is);

The implementation can inject a JAX-RS Request context and get an HTTP
verb name. UriInfo context will provide all the info about the request
URI including path and query parameters, HttpHeaders - about headers.
The injected Providers interface will help to read the stream into some
concrete object for Post/Put requests if needed.

If a given object implements ServiceProvider then the JAX-RS
implementation will accept it as a service bean. @Path is defaulted to
"" if no @Path is available.

I think it can be introduced into a spec (API, text) fairly easy but I'm
not expecting this proposal accepted easily too.

Any comments ?


[1] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/xml/ws/Provider.html