
[jsr339-experts] Re: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Client security configuration proposal for JAX-RS 2.0

From: Bill Burke <bburke_at_redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:10:11 -0500

On 2/2/2013 12:29 PM, Marek Potociar wrote:
> I believe I did provide an explanation.
> There's a lot that can be configured in SSL and we do not have enough
> cycles to properly design it

I disagree. At least on our end, its already being used successfully.

> and implement all the concepts in RI in
> time. For example, your key/trust store setters only cover the most
> basic config scenario.

Exactly...my setters cover the most basic config scenario that is used
by 90% of applications (truststore, keystore, hostname verification,
disabling trust)...an SSLContext setter covers the rest. Most users are
going to be solely dealing with keystores and the default algorithms.
Only insanely advanced users want to write their own trust managers and
key factories. Again...for that case an SSLContext setter covers it.

> In order to provide a full coverage, we would
> need a lot more methods.

*Why do you need full coverage?* Cover the 80-90% simple use cases, let
an SSLContext setter handle the complex cases. Even so, you could add
full coverage methods later on.

> And rather than exposing lots of new setters in
> the client builder API I'd like to see if there is a chance we could
> provide a separate "SSL configuration utility" instead that would
> produce the SSL context - something similar to what Grizzly provides
> (see bellow). Etc. But I do not have enough cycles right now to explore
> all these options and to convert them into a polished API proposal.
> As for non-SSL configuration (TTL, pool size, HTTP auth, ...), I
> understand that all of it may be easy to implement with Grizzly client
> or AHC, but RI has to provide default implementation based on
> HttpURLConnection.

Errr....why does the RI have to provide a default implementation based
on HttpURLConnection? So, we're hobbling an API because of an RI
constraint you put on yourselves? <sarcasm>What a great way to design a
spec!</sarcasm> And, an RI that no user is ever going go use? Great!

And, isn't it possible to make a specific configuration setting
optional? Making it a no-op in that scenario?

> And again, we do not have enough cycles for that, not
> to mention the fact that these other config settings have NOTHING to do
> with security configuration and, as I have mentioned multiple times in
> this forum, now is not the right time for sneaking in new features.
> We're past PRD, approaching final release. If we were not able to add
> these features to the client API in the last 2 years, we may need to
> wait until MR is out. Sorry.
>> Finally, IMO, ClientFactory should be ditched and set property methods
>> should be added to ClientBuilder. This allows implementation code to
>> construct the client based on configuration properties rather than
>> having to worry about concurrency or partial initialized Client
>> instances that could be reconfigured if a property is set intermittently.
>> Anyways, -1000 for what you've got. I'd rather not have it at all.
> That's always an option...
> We can certainly ditch the whole thing. Such decision would at least
> give me more time to focus on resolving issues in RI and existing API
> features. Still, I would prefer we go over the list of features that did
> not get in, prioritise them and maybe try to squeeze in one or two
> additional feats from the list that you and other EG members find most
> important.
> In case you change your mind, here's the my contribution to the list of
> features for consideration:
> - host name verification policy

+1. Something I already have in Resteasy's builder class.

> - ClientBuilder implements Configurable

+1. I could *reluctantly* support adding the ClientBuilder as-is if you
put Configurable in, and if you removed ClientFactory.newClient().

> - KeyStore & TrustStore setting (is overridden if SSLContext has been
> set);

+1. Something I already have in Resteasy's builder class.

I also have:

- disabling trust entirely for testing and prototype purposes so you
don't have to manage keystores and all the other stuff.

> even though I'd still prefer to keep it in a separate utility
> class, similar to Grizzly SSLContextConfigurator
> (http://java.net/projects/grizzly/sources/git/content/modules/grizzly/src/main/java/org/glassfish/grizzly/ssl/SSLContextConfigurator.java)

That looks interesting, but I can't see anywhere else you'd want to do
SSL configuration other than on a Client. You could configure SSL per
WebTarget, but then WebTarget would also have to be closeable and users
would have to worry about cleanup of WebTarget instances. Still, I'd
compromise on anything to get something in the spec that simplified the
most common use cases for SSL.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat