On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermissen_at_nordsc.com> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On Nov 3, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermissen_at_nordsc.com> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 3, 2012, at 11:29 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermissen_at_nordsc.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> playing around with Link I realize that it makes me 'work around' to achieve most basic use cases:
>>>>> - I often only want the URI of a given resource class or sub
>>>>> resource; since Link building requires me to pass a rel value
>>>> Have to correct myself here, because fromResourceMethod() provides a version without required rel value.
>>>> What is missing for me is
>>>> fromResource(Class<?> resource)
>>>> in addition to
>>>> fromResource(Class<?> resource,String rel)
>>> Well, yes, for symmetry with the other two methods we should add this one as well.
>> Actually, I responded too soon to this one. Method
>> Link.fromResourceMethod(Class<?> resource, String method)
>> is there for CoC given that it is not uncommon to use method names as rel values. Check out the cluster service in our examples. Again, there's always a way of building a Link from a URI.
> Ah - sorry, I missed that UriBuilder supports building from class, too now.
> In general, I find it kind of hard to find out what has been added to the API in 2.0. Hence excuse the occasional confusion.
Every new addition should have @since 2.0 in it's javadoc. For new classses the @since is only at the class level, for new method or constant additions, the @since is at the respective component level. Additionally, there's a "1.1-final" tag in the git that captures the 1.1 state of the API. If you diff agains that tag, you'll always get all the changes made between 1.1 release and now. Also, there's an appendix in the spec that summarizes the main spec changes.
If you have a suggestion how to improve this without too much overhead, please share with us.
> Jan
>> -- Santiago