
[jsr339-experts] Re: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Are Links build with fromReosurce or fromResourceMethod are useful at all?

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 17:11:59 -0500

On Nov 16, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermissen_at_nordsc.com> wrote:

> On Nov 16, 2012, at 10:40 PM, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> Jan,
>> My gut reaction is that we should not absolutize URIs on the server, it can lead to all sorts of problems (clustering environments, etc.).
> Yes. That was what I came to, too (in my However(!) sentence)

 I see.

>> We should instead have the notion of a base URI on the client, and have the client API do the work, just like a browser.
> That is the problem. The existing base URI 'determining' algorithm will lead to anything, but never to the JAX-RS application path.

 I didn't mean we'd do this automatically. We should ask the "human" developer for help :)

> I am now thinking that there is 'concept' missing - I'll think about it and see if I get an idea of it, at least.

 Sounds good.

-- Santiago

>> If there isn't one, could you file a JIRA for this? Thanks.
>> -- Santiago
>> On Nov 14, 2012, at 5:29 AM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermissen_at_nordsc.com> wrote:
>>> Links that are constructed by using Link.fromResource or Link.fromResourceMethod come with a relative URI.
>>> This URI is always relative to the JAX-RS application context.
>>> If I am not completely out of my mind, these links are never useful as-is, because they are always relative in a way that doesn't fit any current resolution context.
>>> At leat not without applying rewrite rules in front of the container.
>>> E.g. suppose my app is living at
>>> http://example.org/myWarName/
>>> and my resources at
>>> http://example.org/myWarName/resources
>>> Now if I have
>>> @Path("orders/service")
>>> class OrderResource { ... }
>>> @Path("customers/accounts/{id}")
>>> class CustomerResource { ... }
>>> and I do a GET on 'my' account:
>>> GET http://example.org/myWarName/resources/customers/accounts/42
>>> What might come back is a response with a Link to the order service:
>>> 200 Ok
>>> Link: <orders/service>;rel=...
>>> ....
>>> This link would never resolve to:
>>> http://example.org/myWarName/resources/orders/service
>>> but, (hope I get this right) to
>>> orders/service
>>> http://example.org/myWarName/resources/customers/accounts/orders/service
>>> Bottom line seems to be: the runtime should prepend the base URI and produce absolute links.
>>> However(!) given that it is very unusual to have the actual base-URI as the publicly visible base URI (there is usually quite a bunch of mangling going on) producing an absolute URI does cut it either - in fact it would be worse.
>>> Maybe we need to rethink the UriBuilder.fromXXX behavior to that regard, too.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Jan