
[jsr339-experts] Re: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Re: UriBuilder.segment and build with encodePathSlash

From: Marek Potociar <marek.potociar_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 18:42:30 +0200

On Oct 22, 2012, at 5:59 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com> wrote:

> On 22/10/12 16:37, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> On Oct 22, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com
>> <mailto:sberyozkin_at_talend.com>> wrote:
>>> On 22/10/12 16:07, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>> On 22/10/12 13:43, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 22, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<sberyozkin_at_talend.com
>>>>> <mailto:sberyozkin_at_talend.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I know that I'm the last one who still does not get it :-).
>>>>>> Consider the following:
>>>>>> uriBuilder.fromPath("http://localhost").segment("{a}").build("a/b",
>>>>>> false);
>>>>>> UriBuilder.segment() states that "/" have to be encoded.
>>>>> The javadoc of segment() applies to the value passed to the segment().
>>>>> Not to a template that was added via segment(). IOW, if you passed
>>>>> "a/b" into segment() directly, it would be encoded.
>>>> So, to be absolutely clear.
>>>> By default, irrespectively of whether a given template var was
>>>> introduced as part of path() or segment() call, the "/" (inside of this
>>>> var's content) is never supposed to be encoded.
>>>> The only way to override it, when working with build(), is to use a new
>>>> flag.
>>> Ouch, it is the other way around,
>>> "NOTE: By default all '/' characters in the stringified values will be
>>> encoded in path templates, i.e. the result is identical to invoking
>>> build(Object[], boolean) build(values, true)}. To override this
>>> behavior use build(values, false) instead."
>>> Why it is a default, I'm not sure, that definitely breaks one of my
>>> tests - but whatever...
>>> Just need a confirmation please that this rule applies irrespectively
>>> of the "origin" (ex, a var came from path() or segment())
>> Now, I'm not sure what do you want to confirm? I did confirm that "/"
>> encoding in segment(...) does not apply to template variables and does
>> apply to string literals in my previous reply, didn't I? Also you quote
>> javadoc that IMO clearly states the behavior of build(...) method.
>> Additionally, the build(...) method javadoc also states that:
>> "/Values are converted to {_at_code String} using their {_at_code toString()}
>> method and are then encoded to match the rules of the URI component to
>> which they pertain/"
>> So if you have the same template variable use in different URI
>> components, it's value will be encoded separately for each component
>> using the encoding rules of the respective URI components.
> Stay with with me please on this one.
> First, I assume this was basically "yes" to my question regarding the origin of the template variable - I've always thought that the rule of the method (ex, that of segment() further qualifies the rules of the encoding of "/").
> So that is not the case, that is fine,
> Now given your quote re the rules of the URI component, tell me please (and I'm sorry if that was conveyed earlier):
> - why the note above states that by default "/" is supposed to be encoded where as the rules of URI Path component let "/" stay as is.

This was done as a fix of a bug filed against JAX-RS specification - Markus can provide more details as he filed the bug. In summary, this way it is more in sync with what you would expect in @Path annotation, were a template variable resolves by default to a single segment. So it makes more sense to consider a single template in a path to be part of a single segment by default and thus encode the "/" by default.

Makes sense?

> Thanks, Sergey
>> Marek
>>> Sergey
>>>>>> So one possible output is:
>>>>>> "http://localhost/a%2Fb"
>>>>>> While build() requires this slash to be left as is.
>>>>>> So the result is then:
>>>>>> "http://localhost/a/b"
>>>>>> If the last output is the right one (has to be really), then I guess
>>>>>> UriBuilder.segment() docs can be improved a bit to state that only
>>>>>> "/" in the literal expressions have to be encoded by default,
>>>>>> otherwise the encoding is affected by the new build flag, similarly
>>>>>> the same clarification needs to be applied to UriBuilder path docs
>>>>> Can you please provide a javadoc version that would clarify the
>>>>> segment() behavior in a way that is, in your opinion, clear&
>>>>> understandable?
>>>> Sure, can do that once I'm 100% clear
>>>> thanks, Sergey
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Marek
>>>>>> Sergey
>>> --
>>> Sergey Beryozkin
>>> Talend Community Coders
>>> http://coders.talend.com/
>>> Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com