On 11/18/11 3:47 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to block a request and provide a response, filters need to
> return FilterAction.STOP and set a Response on FilterContext.
> What do you think of dropping FilterAction altogether and removing
> FilterContext.setResponse and have filters a Response return type.
> If it's not null - it's a blocking action with Response being available,
> if it is null - the request is good to continue.
> FilterAction is kind of ok, but I'm not quite comfortable with what
> seems like a workaround to do with the possible need to effectively
> return two parameters (action status and a possible blocking Response
> value) and as such FilterAction seems redundant; without it
> FilterContext gets simpler, no space for ambiguities like
> FilterAction.NEXT with FilterContext.getResponse() returning a non-null
> value
> Thoughts ?
> Sergey
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat