
[jsr339-experts] JSR Planning

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 11:02:14 -0400

Hello Experts,

 As some may have noticed, we spent some time laying out the work ahead of us. First, we created JIRA versions for each of the spec versions [1]:

 - 2.0-ed (Early Draft): 30/Sep/11
 - 2.0-pr (Public Review): 30/Dec/11
 - 2.0-pfd (Final Draft): 30/Mar/12
 - 2.0: 30/Jun/12

 Second, we created 3 iterations as an attempt to cover the main technical areas before Early Draft (ED):

 - 2.0-i01 (7/Jun/11): Client API, Interceptors, Bean Validation
 - 2.0-i02 (2/Aug/11): Hypermedia, Content Negotiation, JSR 330
 - 2.0-i03 (14/Sep/11): Async support, MVC and others (TBD)

 We don't expect all these topics to be fully fleshed out by ED, but we should at least have sections/chapters in the specification for each of them that we decide to keep.

 We already started 2.0-i01, and hope to focus our attention on the topics in this iteration for the next few weeks.


-- Santiago

[1] http://java.net/jira/secure/project/ManageVersions.jspa?pid=11884