I added it as JAX_RS_SPEC-58.
On 3/7/11 11:36 AM, Adam Bien wrote:
> In sub-resource locator you are usually passing an URI (from @PathParam).
> There is no elegant way right now to implement that with EJB 3.1.
> With POJOs it is not a big problem - you can pass the URI (usually a PK) in a constructor...
> Constructor injection of the current context would be nice...
> thanks!,
> adam
> On 07.03.2011, at 14:57, Bill Burke wrote:
>> On 3/6/11 4:00 AM, Adam Bien wrote:
>>> Hi Roberto,
>>> better intergration with EJB 3.2 would be also nice. E.g. it is hard right now to use EJB 3.2 as a sub-resource.
>> @EJB Sub sub;
>> @Path("sub")
>> public Sub getSub() { return sub; }
>> ?
>> --
>> Bill Burke
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>> http://bill.burkecentral.com