
[jsr339-experts] Re: Issue priorities

From: Roberto Chinnici <roberto.chinnici_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 13:59:09 -0700

  Just like for JAX-RS 1.0, I'd like to make editor's drafts available
for download from java.net as we incorporate new resolutions into the spec.

There is some overhead associated with posting drafts on the JCP site,
so I'd like to reserve that for major drafts, following the "Early
Draft", "Public Draft", "Proposed Final Draft" classification.

On 3/29/11 11:52 AM, Guilherme Silveira wrote:
>> For me, it is OK if we agree upon each single item step by step and write
>> the textual spec content after that
> +1
> Regards
> Guilherme Silveira
> Caelum | Ensino e Inovação
> http://www.caelum.com.br/
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Markus KARG<markus_at_headcrashing.eu> wrote:
>> Roberto,
>> the proposed priority grouping looks good to me.
>> My opinion is, we should just process the list from top to bottom now and
>> stop when time runs out (with processing I mean, we should discuss the
>> possible solutions, wait until the RI team and other teams have a core
>> prototype, and then agree upon an API for the particular issue depending on
>> the experiences with the core prototype). After that, all non-finished items
>> should be kept in the list for 3.0 or 2.1.
>> In contrast to Bill I do not see the need to first finish a complete draft.
>> For me, it is OK if we agree upon each single item step by step and write
>> the textual spec content after that, so all implementors will have had
>> enough time to check out their particular implementations' problems far
>> before the draft is written. In the end, the way from draft to final release
>> will be much faster then.
>> Regards
>> Markus
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Roberto Chinnici [mailto:roberto.chinnici_at_oracle.com]
>>> Sent: Freitag, 25. März 2011 17:54
>>> To: jsr339-experts_at_jax-rs-spec.java.net
>>> Subject: [jsr339-experts] Issue priorities
>>> I've done a pass through the issues list and here are the proposed
>>> new
>>> priorities.
>>> First of all, I should explain the priorities we'll be using.
>>> I'd like to save the highest (blocker) for true showstoppers.
>>> We'll use the next four levels as high-to-low priorities: critical,
>>> major, minor, trivial. (I don't like the words and I think of the four
>>> levels as 1 to 4.)
>>> In terms of classification:
>>> 1) "critical" is stuff we absolutely need to do, or users will
>>> flee
>>> JAX-RS in droves for proprietary APIs, plus glaring errors in the 1.1
>>> spec
>>> 2) "major" is important stuff that affects lots of users
>>> 3) "minor" issues either have feasible workarounds or affects a
>>> minority of users
>>> 4) "trivial" is everything else (nice to have, nitpicks, affects
>>> tiny number of users)
>>> In general, I've privileged issues that affect regular users of the
>>> API,
>>> i.e. application developers trying to get their job done, over those
>>> that impact framework developers who'd like to build on JAX-RS.
>>> Here are the priorities: (some of the descriptions were truncated so
>>> the
>>> table prints better)
>>> ============================================================
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-70 UriBuilder must encode slashes in values
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-57 Interceptors
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-56 Server-side asynchronous request processing model
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-55 Support for JSR-330 annotations and CDI
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-54 Validation support
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-50 Low-level client API
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-42 Request variant selection mismatch
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-32 EJBException handling spec error
>>> == MAJOR
>>> ===============================================================
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-66 URI Building
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-62 Form beans
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-61 Improved marshalling for string-based parameters
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-60 Resource metamodel
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-58 Make it easier to use EJBs as sub-resources
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-53 MVC support
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-52 Hypermedia support
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-51 High-level client API
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-49 How to use Maven2
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-47 Finer-grain reader/writer matching
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-46 UriBuilder.fromMethod(Class, String)
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-45 Variant requires you to call add prior to call build
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-38 Hyperlinking Support Issues
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-35 provide a way to allow dependency injection into sub
>>> resources t
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-34 it would be nice if @PathParam @FormParam @QueryParam
>>> could inje
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-31 Resolving resource method ambiguity with resource
>>> inheritance
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-30 Error matching HTTP methods for sub-resource methods
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-28 charset missing from content-type
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-23 sub resource methods to match empty path
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-22 Clarify JavaDoc of getAcceptableLanguages() and
>>> getAcceptableMed
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-19 Annotation Inheritance not specified for interfaces
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-15 Response/ResponseBuilder should be Generic
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-10 EntityHolder
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-7 Dealing with {} in UriBuilder
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-5 Improve handling of trailing slash
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-1 Support quality of source for produced media types
>>> == MINOR
>>> ===============================================================
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-68 Router interface
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-67 Allow custom resource creation
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-65 Support breaking the view layer from the control layer
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-64 Support non-default parameter access convention using
>>> Java's deb
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-63 Custom resource lookup
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-59 Convention over configuration
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-48 Exception hierarchy
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-44 JavaDocs should mention behaviour on RuntimeException
>>> thrown in
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-43 Provide method to access X509 client certificates
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-37 Authentication inside of Java EE Application Client
>>> Container
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-33 Request Matching using Query Param
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-29 Extends @MatrixParam with ("subpath;param")
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-27 Specify mapping of AccessLocalException for EJBs with
>>> @RolesAllo
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-26 WebApplicationException should have an (Entity, status)
>>> construc
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-24 Need way to generate similar resource URL's from given
>>> URL
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-21 Mixing of OPTIONs
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-18 @HttpMethod should guess value if omitted
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-17 Query parameters do not encode data which looks like
>>> percent-enc
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-16 JAX-RS should support multiple exception mappers
>>> distinguished b
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-14 Request.evaluatePreconditions() needs clarification
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-13 Need string init for UriBuilder, fromTemplate()
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-11 Error in matching request to resource w/ regexes
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-8 ContentDisposition should be part of JAX-RS
>>> == TRIVIAL
>>> =============================================================
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-36 Support for EXI and FastInfoset
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-25 RDF Support for JAX-RS
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-12 Extend Annotation Inheritance to cover more use cases
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-9 Requesting an injectible 'uber-context'
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-6 Anonymous subclass instance as a response entity
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-3 @MatrixParam should not inherit values
>>> JAX_RS_SPEC-2 Case Insensitive Map
>>> ==============================================
>>> (57) JAX_RS_SPEC-69 Allow ordered interceptors
>>> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-41 JAX-RS 2.0 Client API must be able to process
>>> custom HTTP method
>>> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-40 JAX-RS Client API should support process Allows
>>> header
>>> (50) JAX_RS_SPEC-39 Client Cache Support
>>> (57) JAX_RS_SPEC-20 ResourceFilter
>>> (1) JAX_RS_SPEC-4 provide a mechanism to be able to raise the
>>> priority of a repres