Dynamic Proxy, DII problems with rpc/encoded returned arrays of Bean objects

From: emiddio-verizon <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:09:01 -0700

my initial goal was to learn about wscompile static stub clients, Dynamic
Proxy clients, and DII

Dynamic Invocation Interface clients -- and jax-rpc custom serialization.

i was studying the Oreilly JavaWebServices Nutshell 2002-2003 book.

i then encountered some problems -- are they jax-rpc bugs or something else?

i am running netbeans 6.5.1 with glassfishv2ur2.

after lots of experiments i have reduced the problem to the following

i have created 2 different jax-rpc web services.

each contains 3 operations/methods.

they are identical -- except 1 is rpc/encoded, the other is rpc/literal.

there is 1 Java Bean object/class with getter, setter methods named, which is the

same in both clients and was generated by wscompile -- using netbeans 6.5;

the rpc/literal client wscompile also generated a java
bean -- and is

referenced in the below rpc/literal SEI.

both services have the SEI
public interface wsTestSEI extends java.rmi.Remote {

    String rString(String s1) throws RemoteException;

    BookInfo r1BookInfo() throws RemoteException;

    BookInfo[] rBookInfos(String i1) throws RemoteException;


the rpc/encoded client generates the following SEI
public interface WsTestSEI extends java.rmi.Remote {
    public websvc1.BookInfo r1BookInfo() throws

// uses and array return type
    public websvc1.BookInfo[] rBookInfos(java.lang.String string_1) throws

    public java.lang.String rString(java.lang.String string_1) throws

the rpc/literal client generates the following SEI
public interface WsTestSEI extends java.rmi.Remote {
    public websvc3.BookInfo r1BookInfo() throws

// uses a java bean return type
    public websvc3.BookInfoArray rBookInfos(java.lang.String string_1)

    public java.lang.String rString(java.lang.String string_1) throws


all 3 methods work without problems for the rpc/literal client -- using all
3 invocation models

-- wscompile static stub, Dynamic Proxy, and DII Dynamic Invocation

for the rpc/encoded clients -- only the wscompiled static stub client works
without any


the only method that fails to work of the 3 is the rBookInfos() operation --
which expects and
array of BookInfo objects to be returned.

i got the DII rpc/encoded client to work by adding a custom serializer to
the type mapping

registry -- for the rBookInfos method/operation.

for the rpc/encoded Dynamic Proxy client -- i was unable to discover a way
to make the

rBookInfos() method/operation work at all -- i experimented with adding
cutom serializers but

never got it to work.


is this a jax-rpc bug?

if not what am i doing wrong?

i could provide info from the stack trace, and the tcpmon monitored SOAP
messages if wanted.
