Re: Type substitution support in JSR 109 compliant web services

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 14:36:58 -0700

The best thing would be to use jax-ws 2.1 which supports type
substitution and 100% schema.

Did your already try "searchschema" option with wscompile? With sun
appserver, you could pass the model file for mapping attribute. The
model file can be generated using wscompile.


Rohra, Prakash N CTR DMDC wrote:

>We are trying to develop web services (using JWSDP 1.6) that are compliant
>with the JSR 109 specification. The service endpoint interfaces in our
>services contain a series of methods that accept abstract type parameters
>and return abstract types. We did remove the notion of abstract classes in
>the java code for these types.
>The wscompile tool was run with the -define option to generate the wsdl and
>the mapping file. The config.xml file that was passed to the wscompile tool
>contained all the additional types that were needed (child class types of
>the base classes used in interface methods). The generated wsdl did
>properly represent all of the additional types.
>The mapping file, the wsdl, a webservices.xml along with all the other
>application classes were bundled into a war file and deployed to a Sun
>8.1_02 EE server. I am expecting to see all of the
>serializers/deserializers and other required classes to be properly
>generated and appear in the generated directory of the server instance.
>However, I am only seeing the types that are specified in the method
>signature which are the base types.
>Is type substitution supported when developing JSR109 compliant services?
>If so, how do I instruct the sun app server at deployment time to generate
>all the required classes?
>These web services previously worked on App Server EE 7 using the JWSDP 1.3
>jaxrpc libararies. We can revert back to this way of developing and
>deploying our web services on the Sun Platform, but we have some future
>requirements to run on different application servers which will require
>porting the web services. Abiding the JSR 109 spec "should" help simplify
>future deployment to alternate containers so making this work would be
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