Hi Bob,
V B Kumar Jayanti wrote:
> syg6 wrote:
>>Well ... I've had to put an 'if' my code. If it contains the 1.1 uri, to
>>create a 1.1 Message. If it contains 1.2, create a 1.2 Message. It's a
>>bummer, as I said, because when 1.3 or 1.4 of SOAP comes out I'll have to
>>change my code. But it seems that's all I can do ...
>>Thanks for your replies!
> Let me file an RFE and see what we can do, whether we can workaround
> this or change the spec in future when a SOAP 1.3/1.4 actually arrive.
I have filed an RFE. Even though your input is a String you can always
create an InputStream out of the String and pass it on, as far as
MimeHeaders is concerned we do allow it to be NULL when the factory is
explicitly a SOAP1.1/default or a SOAP 1.2 Factory, so the same can be
done for the DYNAMIC factory as well.
So IMO this is a good RFE that we can consider. Not sure at this moment
whether we require the InputStream to support mark() and reset() (i need
to investigate more).
> Thanks,
> kumar
>>V B Kumar Jayanti wrote:
>>>But the use of DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL makes the SAAJ runtime capable of
>>>accepting both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages, especially when you make
>>>a SOAPConnection.call()