Re: fastinfoset.jar missing?

From: Ramesh Babu Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:02:08 -0700

Hi Jacquelyn:

  I hope you are not overwriting JAX-RPC jars that came with J2EE SDK 1.4. Also I guess your test program is a standalone application instead of a web application. Please clarify.

 FastInfoset enabled JAX-RPC is bundled into AppServer starting with "SJS AS 8.2 PE" version.

Vijay/Sathyan: Can you please let the user know where the content of fastinfoset.jar is put.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jacquelyn Keeper <>
Date: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:18 am
Subject: fastinfoset.jar missing?

> I am trying to run a small test program but get the following error:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/jvnet/fastinfoset/FastInfosetSource
> at LMS.XLMS_Impl.getXLMSSoap(
> at XLMS_LIB.createProxy(
> at XLMS_LIB.connect(
> at mytest.main(
> I tried researching this problem and the suggestions I found say to
> add
> fastinfoset.jar to the classpath. However, I can't find this jar. I
> have the
> j2ee sdk 1.4 for Windows. I looked in C:\Sun\AppServer\lib and I
> see the
> jars for jaxrpc, but nothing called fastinfoset. I am a Windows
> developer (I
> know, boo, hiss) so I may be missing something obvious. Is there
> something
> else I need to download?
> Thanks
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