From: Joe Pederson <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:38:00 -0600

FYI...this was confirmed to be a bug in WebLogic Server. I was able to work
around this issue by creating my own domain in WebLogic using all the defaults
and then deploying my WAR file in this domain instead of the default sample
domain supplied with WebLogic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Pederson
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:42 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: RE: Problem with REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL

I am 'browsing' to it exactly as you suggest. So, apparently either there is a problem with the JAX-RPC servlet 'replacing' the address or it is something to do with WebLogic and/or its deployment files (I do have the endpoint defined in my jaxrpc-ri.xml file).

-----Original Message-----
From: Sels Wannes []
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:06 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL

Hi Joe,


You should not browse to the actual file, but let the jax-rpc service fill in the address.

Go to http://server:port/war-name/endpoint?WSDL

(you defined the endpoint in your jaxrpc-ri.xml file)







From: Joe Pederson []
Sent: dinsdag 17 januari 2006 17:53
Subject: Problem with REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL


I've created and successfully deployed my WAR file on Tomcat, WebSphere, Sun App Server and .NET and am able to consume with several different clients (C++, Java, Perl, etc). However, when I deploy this WAR in WebLogic 9.0, it deploys ok but when I browse to the WSDL in IE, the WSDL still has the soap address as REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL instead of the actual address. Therefore, all of my client apps are failing when the web service attempts to connect to my application. Is this an issue with JAXRPC (or WebLogic)? Ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for the help.