Re: custom exception

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:39:46 -0800

Looks like you found the problem yourself. A service specific
exception's properties (getters) can only return
valid JAX-RPC types. Since a Throwable is not a valid JAX-RPC type you
get this error. We could fix
this problem if JAX-RPC ignored the getCause method as it does when in
introspects Throwable. So if
we did not propagate the getCause property to the client would you be ok
with this? If so, would you file
an issue on this so we can track it?


Amit Soni wrote:

> Doug Kohlert wrote:
>> Can you include your custom exception class?
>> Amit Soni wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can any body guid me how to throw custom exception from my web
>>> service interface api. i.e. i have one or method
>>> wich throws custom exception in this case wscompile throws following
>>> exception:
>>> [wscompile] class java.lang.StackTraceElement does not have a public
>>> accessible empty constructor
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiStructure.initialize(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiStructure.forClass(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiStructure.modelTypeSOAP(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiTypeModeler.collectMembers(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiTypeModeler.modelTypeSOAP(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiTypeModeler.modelTypeSOAP(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiTypeModeler.fillInStructure(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiTypeModeler.modelTypeSOAP(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.ExceptionModeler.createSOAPMember(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.ExceptionModeler.addMessage(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.ExceptionModeler.createFault(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.ExceptionModelerBase.modelException(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.processRpcEncodedMethod(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.processMethod(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.processInterface(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.modelPort(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.buildEncodedModel(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.rmi.RmiModeler.buildModel(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] at
>>> [wscompile] error: class java.lang.StackTraceElement does not have a
>>> public accessible empty constructor
>>> my wscompile task in ant is:
>>> <wscompile
>>> server="true"
>>> model="${}"
>>> optimize="false"
>>> debug="true"
>>> verbose="true"
>>> version="false"
>>> xPrintStackTrace="true"
>>> config="${}">
>>> <classpath>
>>> <path refid="project.classpath"/>
>>> <path refid="ws.classpath"/>
>>> </classpath>
>>> </wscompile>
>>> Thanks,
>>> Amit Soni
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> My custom exception calss is,
> /**
> *
> */
> package com.netcore.psmw.common;
> import;
> import;
> /**
> * @author root
> *
> */
> public class PSMWException extends Exception {
> private String errorCode; // Error code of the error
> protected String errorDescription; // Error description
> private String errorSource; // Source program of
> exception
> private Integer severity; // Severity of the Error
> private Throwable cause; // The exception thrown.
> /**
> * The PSMWException constructor
> */
> public PSMWException() {
> super();
> }
> /**
> * This is an Exception thrown with only the Error Code
> * @param message
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode) {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> }
> /**
> * @param error Code
> * @param error Description
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String errMsg)
> {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = errMsg;
> }
> /**
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(Throwable cause) {
> super(cause);
> }
> /**
> * @param error Code
> * @param error Description
> * @param error Source (method/class)
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String errMsg,
> String errSource)
> {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = errMsg;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> }
> /**
> * @param error Code
> * @param error Severity
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> int iSevere)
> {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.severity = iSevere;
> }
> /**
> * @param error Code
> * @param error Description
> * @param error Severity
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String errSource,
> int iSevere)
> {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> this.severity = iSevere;
> }
> /**
> * @param error Code
> * @param error Description
> * @param error Source (method/class)
> * @param error Severity
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String errMsg,
> String errSource,
> int iSevere)
> {
> super(errCode);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = errMsg;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> this.severity = iSevere;
> }
> /**
> * @param message
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> Throwable cause) {
> super(errCode, cause);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.cause = cause;
> }
> /**
> * @param errorCode
> * @param errorDescriptiom
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String description,
> Throwable cause) {
> super(errCode, cause);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = description;
> this.cause = cause;
> }
> /**
> * @param errorCode
> * @param errorDescription
> * @param errorSource
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String description,
> String errSource,
> Throwable cause) {
> super(errCode, cause);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = description;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> this.cause = cause;
> }
> /**
> * @param errorCode
> * @param errorSource
> * @param Error Severity
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String errSource,
> int severity,
> Throwable cause) {
> super(errCode, cause);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> this.severity = severity;
> this.cause = cause;
> }
> /**
> * @param errorDescription
> * @param errorSource
> * @param Error Severity
> * @param cause
> */
> public PSMWException(String errCode,
> String description,
> String errSource,
> int severity,
> Throwable cause) {
> super(errCode, cause);
> this.errorCode = errCode;
> this.errorDescription = description;
> this.errorSource = errSource;
> this.severity = severity;
> this.cause = cause;
> }
> /**
> * Returns Exception Error Code
> * @return String
> *
> */
> public String getErrorCode() {
> return this.errorCode;
> }
> /**
> * Returns Exception Error Description
> * @return String
> *
> */
> public String getErrorDescription() {
> return this.errorDescription;
> }
> /**
> * Returns Exception Error Description
> * @return String
> *
> */
> public String getErrorSource() {
> return this.errorSource;
> }
> /**
> * Returns Exception Error Severity
> * @return int
> *
> */
> public Integer getErrorSeverity() {
> return this.severity;
> }
> /**
> * Returns the cause of this exception.
> * @return cause of the exception, if available, else null
> *
> */
> public Throwable getCause() {
> return this.cause;
> }
> When i comment this method then it works fine.
> /**
> * Prints the stack trace to PrintStream.
> * @param ps PrintStream used for the output.
> */
> public void printStackTrace(PrintStream ps) {
> if (null != cause) {
> cause.printStackTrace(ps);
> }
> super.printStackTrace(ps);
> }
> /**
> * Prints the stack trace to PrintWriter.
> * @param pw PrintWriter used for the output.
> */
> public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter pw) {
> if (null != cause) {
> cause.printStackTrace(pw);
> }
> super.printStackTrace(pw);
> }
> /**
> * Prints the stack trace to standard error stream
> * @param
> */
> public void printStackTrace() {
> printStackTrace(System.err);
> }
> }
>Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
>Support FAQ :

 - Doug