Re: custom types

From: Amit Soni <>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 15:47:15 +0530

Doug Kohlert wrote:

> Amit,
> In your config.xml files that you pass to wscompile you need to
> specify an "additionalTypes" element to specify
> types that are used by your SEI indirectly. Here is an example
> config.xml.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <configuration
> xmlns="">
> <service name="Interface_Service"
> targetNamespace=""
> typeNamespace=""
> packageName="stub_tie_generator_test">
> <interface name="stub_tie_generator_test.Interface"
> servantName="stub_tie_generator_test.InterfaceImpl"/>
> <typeMappingRegistry>
> <additionalTypes>
> <class name="com.netcore.psmw.rss.Channel/>
> </additionalTypes>
> </typeMappingRegistry>
> </service>
> </configuration>
> Amit Soni wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Right now i am started using jax-rpc with jwsdp
>> Right now i am using my interface and implementation and
>> using wscompile and wsdeploy i am generating wsdl file and
>> use that file to compile and run client program.
>> On of my method contains return type as map.
>> the name of that map is string and value is custom object.
>> and because of that it gives me error like SEVERE: serialization
>> error: no serializer is registered for (class
>> com.netcore.psmw.rss.Channel, null)
>> serialization error: no serializer is registered for (class
>> com.netcore.psmw.rss.Channel, null)
>> so can i need some configuration or other please help me out for this.
>> Thanks,
>> Amit Soni
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Hi Doug Kohlert,

Thanks for the reply. Using this configuration it is sucessfull on
server side but now client side it gives the same error

here my *server config.xml* is like::

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<configuration xmlns="">
    <service name="PSMWService"
                   <class name="com.netcore.psmw.rss.Class"/>

*client config.xml* is::

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<configuration xmlns="">
                   <class name="com.netcore.psmw.rss.Channel"/>


Amit Soni

Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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