think my usage of the Call object is fine
in fact, I have to use it this way
because if you need to maintain HTTPSession, you say
call.setProperty(Call.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
and for that to function in subsequent calls, things work only with the
same Call object ...
BTW: in Axis(Client), you set the property on the Service instance ...
and I found the session to be shared then by all Call objects created
from the Service object ... that's a nice feature IMHO
So, found the answer with a little bit longer thinking about it ...
Sorry :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Merten Schumann []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 2:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: usage (reusage) of javax.xml.rpc.Call object correct
> I'm wondering if my usage of javax.xml.rpc.Call object is correct.
> I do create a one and only Call object to fire invocations of the same
> or DIFFERENT web service methods. Not for concurrent
> invocations, I use
> the Call object in a synchronized way. I prepare the Call object each
> time this way
> call.removeAllParameters();
> call.setOperationName(operationName);
> call.setParameter...
> call.setReturnType...
> It seems to work, even for web service methods with different return
> types and all. But, I'm not sure if it's really ok to reuse the Call
> object. Should I create a separate Call object for each
> invocation of a
> web service method or is my usage ok?
> Thanx
> Merten
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