Unfortunately this is a bug. FI should not be turned on in this
case. We are currently testing a patch for this that will make it
available shortly. Please e-mail directly if you're interesting in
getting an early access version of the patch.
-- Santiago
On Nov 13, 2005, at 5:05 PM, Kevin Jones wrote:
> I have some demo code that works fine in JWSDP 1.5 and I'm trying
> to move it
> to JWSDP 1.6. The code is very simple, I have a JAXRPC based
> server, and I
> install a handler as part of the server. I have a client written using
> JAXRPC using the generated stubs. If I run this client against the
> server
> then the client fails to process the response.
> The problem appears to be that the server is returning the response
> encoded
> as application/fastinfoset and the client doesn't handle this. The
> response
> is only returned as a fastinfoset if I have a handler installed.
> The handler
> in this case simply logs the request and response and doesn't
> modify either
> in any way. If I remove the handler then the response is encoded as
> text/xml. So it appears to be the communication between the handler
> and the
> endpoint that is setting up the fastinfoset.
> How do I configure a handler so that it *does not* cause the
> communication
> to go into fastinfoset mode?
> Kevin Jones
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