Re: WSDL generation problem

From: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 15:29:37 +0100

2005/11/4, Jitendra Kotamraju <>:
> We use the following to generate the address where request is
> HttpServletRequest
> request.getScheme()
> + "://"
> + request.getServerName()
> + ":"
> + request.getServerPort()
> + request.getRequestURI()
> What's your container ? Seems like your servlet container is not
> configured properly. If you are using Tomcat, check the SSL connector
> configuration in server.xml
> Can you use JAX-RPC mailing list( for jaxrpc
> questions.
> Thanks,
> Jitu
I finally found the problem, thanks to your reply.
My Apache/Apache Tomcat were not configured properly as you mentioned.
I were setting up virtualhost with my new domain name, but it was not necessary.
I only needed to redirect my domain name from my dns provider (ie.
OVH) to my IP address.
That was it.

Thank you Jitu,