Re: WSCOMPILE : Invalid Entity Name

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 09:05:54 -0500

Also, XML names are case sensitive, so therefore you must make sure that you
specify "targetNamespace" not "targetnamespace" and "schemaLocation" not


On 11/11/05, Oancea Daniel <> wrote:
> From what I see, in the import section of the WSDL types definition, the
> value for attribute "schemalocation" has to be schema file name itself and
> not the namespace!. Therefore, you will have to be careful to put the schema
> and the same directory with interface description.
> On 11/10/05, Yadav, Sharad (Cognizant) <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to compile a very simple WSDL that imports an XSD. However,
> > I have been getting a rather unintiutive error message. I have been stuck on
> > this problem for 2 days and some help will be really appreciated.
> >
> > I am using wscompile at the command prompt. Here is the command being
> > used:
> >
> > wscompile -verbose -gen:both -d test -f:wsi gen-config.xml
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > Error
> >
> > error: modeler error: invalid entity name: "PurchaseOrderDocument" (in
> > namespace : "http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd")
> > ------------------------
> > XSD
> > ------------------------
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <schema targetnamespace="http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd"
> > xmlns=""
> > xmlns:xsi=""
> > xmlns:tns="http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd">
> >
> > <element name="PurchaseOrderDocument" type="tns:PurchaseOrder"/>
> >
> > <complextype name="Address">
> > <sequence>
> > <element name="street" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="city" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> >
> > <element name="state" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="zipCode" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> > </sequence>
> > </complextype>
> > <complextype name="LineItem">
> > <sequence>
> > <element name="itemname" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="price" type="decimal" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="quantity" type="int" nillable="false"/>
> > </sequence>
> > </complextype>
> > <complextype name="PurchaseOrder">
> > <sequence>
> > <element name="billTo" type="tns:Address" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="createDate" type="dateTime" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="items" type="tns:LineItem"
> > nillable="false" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"/>
> > <element name="poID" type="string" nillable="false"/>
> > <element name="shipTo" type="tns:Address" nillable="false"/>
> > </sequence>
> > </complextype>
> > </schema>
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > WSDL
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > <definitions
> >
> > xmlns=""
> > xmlns:ns1=" http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd"
> > xmlns:tns=""
> > xmlns:xsd=""
> > xmlns:xsi=" "
> > xmlns:soap=""
> > targetnamespace="" name="RSSService">
> >
> > <types>
> > <xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
> > <xsd:import namespace="http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd"
> > schemalocation="http://localhost:8080/example/rss.xsd" id="ns1" />
> > </xsd:schema>
> > </types>
> >
> > <message name="AccountCenterService_updateAccount">
> > <part name="parameter" element="ns1:PurchaseOrderDocument"/>
> > </message>
> >
> > <message name="AccountCenterService_updateAccountResponse">
> > <part name="result" element="ns1:PurchaseOrderDocument"/>
> > </message>
> >
> > <portType name="AccountCenterService">
> > <operation name="getAccountInformation">
> > <input message="ns1:AccountCenterService_updateAccount"/>
> > <output
> > message="ns1:AccountCenterService_updateAccountResponse"/></operation>
> > </portType>
> >
> > <binding name="AccountCenterServiceBinding"
> > type="tns:AccountCenterService">
> > <soap:binding transport=""
> > style="document"/>
> >
> > <operation name="getAccountInformation">
> > <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
> > <input>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/></input>
> > <output>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/></output></operation>
> > </binding>
> >
> > <service name="AccountCenterService">
> > <port name="AccountCenterServicePort"
> > binding="tns:AccountCenterServiceBinding">
> > <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/></port>
> > </service>
> > </definitions>
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I have tried to use some examples from Sun as well, but even they are
> > failing. This means that there is obviously something wrong in my
> > configuraiton. Please let me know what is amiss here ...
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Shayad_
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> >
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> >