Re: [JAX-WS] NullPointerException in Source)

From: Kathy Walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:48:33 -0400

Thanks again-
Kathy wrote:

> Aha! I've just spotted that the source is available on the site after-
> all under the weekly binary downloads
> folderID=1182&expandFolder=1182&folderID=1182
> The website clearly says in the 'Sources' section (https://jax-
> that the sources are in the other project - http://
> which is why I've been trying to get
> access.
> With the source its easier to debug :). So here's a patch...
> I don't have CVS access so can't give you a CVS patch, but here's the
> fix for the bug. Basically if no 'si' was passed in, the
> ServiceContext was created with no WsdlContext. So I just ensured
> that the WsdlContext was created irrespective of the value of 'si'
> (mostly just moving the braces around a little )
> So here's my modified version of the build method...
> public static ServiceContext build(URL wsdlLocation, Class si,
> EntityResolver er) throws WebServiceException {
> ServiceContext serviceContext = new ServiceContext(er);
> SIAnnotations serviceIFAnnotations = null;
> if (si != null) {
> serviceIFAnnotations = getSIAnnotations(si);
> if (serviceIFAnnotations == null )
> throw new WebServiceException("Service Interface
> Annotations required, exiting...");
> serviceContext.setSiAnnotations(serviceIFAnnotations);
> }
> if(wsdlLocation == null)
> try {
> // wsdlLocation = new URL
> (serviceIFAnnotations.wsdlLocation);
> wsdlLocation = new URL(JAXWSUtils.getFileOrURLName
> (serviceIFAnnotations.wsdlLocation));
> } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
> throw new WebServiceException(e);
> }
> serviceContext.setWsdlContext(new WSDLContext (wsdlLocation,er));
> if (si != null) {
> serviceContext.setServiceInterface(si);
> for (Class clazz : serviceIFAnnotations.classes) {
> processAnnotations(serviceContext,clazz);
> }
> }
> return serviceContext;
> }
> This fixes my issue and I can now create a Service properly.
> James
> On 31 Aug 2005, at 20:01, Kathy Walsh wrote:
>> James-
>> What drop of the kaxws are you using-
>> there have been bugs reported on this previously.
>> Kathy
>> wrote:
>>> Any chance of turning on debug information in the nightly binary
>>> distros? It makes debugging a bit hard.
>>> Right now I'm trying to create a Service from the ServiceFactory,
>>> specifying a URL to the WSDL and a QName and get this exception...
>>> [junit] java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> [junit] at
>>> Source)
>>> Which has me a bit stumped :). I'm still waiting to be allowed to
>>> see the source code - in the meantime, anyone care to take a guess
>>> at what's wrong? (BTW both parameters i'm passing in are non-null
>>> and look valid to me).
>>> James
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