On 31 Aug 2005, at 20:01, Kathy Walsh wrote:
> James-
> What drop of the kaxws are you using-
> there have been bugs reported on this previously.
The nightly build dated 20050818. I've just tried the latest,
20050825 and got the same thing.
> Kathy
> jastrachan_at_mac.com wrote:
>> Any chance of turning on debug information in the nightly binary
>> distros? It makes debugging a bit hard.
>> Right now I'm trying to create a Service from the ServiceFactory,
>> specifying a URL to the WSDL and a QName and get this exception...
>> [junit] java.lang.NullPointerException
>> [junit] at
>> com.sun.xml.ws.client.ServiceFactoryImpl.createService(Unknown
>> Source)
>> Which has me a bit stumped :). I'm still waiting to be allowed to
>> see the source code - in the meantime, anyone care to take a
>> guess at what's wrong? (BTW both parameters i'm passing in are
>> non-null and look valid to me).
>> James
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