Just a quick update in case anyone's interested. I've managed to get
all the main PortTypes in WS-Notification working with JAX-WS now.
Its all in CVS if you wanna grab it...
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous_at_cvs.servicemix.codehaus.org:/home/projects/
servicemix/scm login
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous_at_cvs.servicemix.codehaus.org:/home/
projects/servicemix/scm co servicemix/ws/jaxws/wspojo
I did find I had to hack the WS-BaseNotification WSDL a bit as JAX-WS
was getting confused over the duplicate definitions of
ResourceUnknownFault which is defined in a bunch of different
namespaces (see the TODO comments in the WSDLs). e.g. I kept getting...
[wsimport] error: the following naming conflicts occurred:
I'm unsure if thats a bug in the WSDL or an issue with JAX-WS though.
But this WSDL successfully generates all the core operations in WS-
Thanks folks for a great tool!
On 22 Aug 2005, at 19:30, jastrachan_at_mac.com wrote:
> Awesome! Many thanks Vivek - the NPE completely threw me! :)
> Making that change made it work perfectly.
> On 22 Aug 2005, at 19:06, Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> hi James,
>> the NPE is result of missing required input binding for operation
>> "Notify".
>> The abstract definition defines it as one way operation in wsdl\WS-
>> BaseNotification-1_2-Draft_01.wsdl:
>> <!-- ================ NotificationConsumer::Notify ================
>> Notify(
>> NotificationMessage
>> (TopicExpression, ProducerReference, Message)*
>> returns: n/a (one way)
>> -->
>> <wsdl:message name="Notify">
>> <wsdl:part name="Notify" element="wsnt:Notify"/>
>> </wsdl:message>
>> <!-- ========= NotificationConsumer PortType Definition
>> =========== -->
>> <wsdl:portType name="NotificationConsumer">
>> <wsdl:operation name="Notify">
>> <wsdl:input message="wsntw:Notify"/>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> </wsdl:portType>
>> But while binding you're not providing binding for the input. Here
>> is your binding from wsdl/Service-Consumer.wsdl:
>> <wsdl:operation name="Notify">
>> <soap:operation />
>> <wsdl:input></wsdl:input>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> if you change your wsdl:input binding to:
>> <wsdl:operation name="Notify">
>> <soap:operation />
>> <wsdl:input>
>> <soap:body parts="Notify" use="literal"/>
>> </wsdl:input>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> I think wsimport should work fine with this change.
>> Regardless of that NPE shouldnt be thrown, instead a proper
>> exception giving the problem with WSDL should have been trown. It
>> will be fixed.
>> -vivek.
>> jastrachan_at_mac.com wrote:
>>> I've a demo attempting to generate a JAX-WS client for WS-
>>> Notification here...
>>> http://codehaus.org/~jstrachan/wsn.zip
>>> unzip and type
>>> ant
>>> and you should see the NullPointerException. Maybe I've done
>>> something silly in the WSDL but it seems to validate fine in
>>> Eclipse WebTools. The NullPointerException gives no stack trace,
>>> if I use ant -v or ant -d so I cannot find any more info on the
>>> error.
>>> Any ideas? Has anyone ever managed to generate a JAX-WS client
>>> for WS- Notification WSDLs? (They seem complex enough to be a
>>> good test case for you to try out).
>>> James
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>> --
>> Vivek Pandey
>> Web Services Standards and Technologies
>> Sun Microsystems Inc.
> James
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