Re: Generating client from WSDL

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 09:15:35 -0700

Change import="true" (a server side thing) to client="true".

Baker, Brad (Contr) wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am generating client stub code from a WSDL and must be doing
> something wrong.
> I get an _Impl but there is no _stub class. Also, there is no “get
> port” method in the generated impl class.
> I have made clients from WSDLs before but I also had the Interface to
> the service because it was my service. This is the first time I have
> only had the WSDL!
> What have I missed?
> Here is the ANT Task:
> <!-- Compile the WSDL -->
> <target name="compile-stub-from-wsdl" depends="prepare-wsdl-config-file">
> <wscompile
> keep="true"
> import="true"
> base="${client.classes}"
> classpath="${client.classes}"
> verbose="true"
> xPrintStackTrace="true"
> config="${temp}\wsdl-config.xml">
> <classpath>
> <path refid="jwsdp.classpath"/>
> </classpath>
> </wscompile>
> </target>
> Thanks,
> Brad

 - Doug