RE: Internal wscompile error from custom WSDL

From: Ryan LeCompte <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 15:01:16 -0400

I realize that for doc/literal web services you can only have one "part" for
each message to be WSI compliant. However, in the Test.wsdl file that's
included in this message.. If you make the getItems operation return an
array of items by adding an "output" element to the "handleItems" operation,
it always seems to generate an endpoint interface with "Items" as the return
type instead of "Item[]". Has anyone come across this before? It makes the
argument Items[] correctly, but not for the return type.






From: Ryan LeCompte []
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 2:04 PM
Subject: Internal wscompile error from custom WSDL


Hello all,


I'm running across various issues with the "wscompile" utility in JWSDP 1.5.
The problem mainly arises when I have a "message" element in my custom WSDL
that has more than one "part" inner elements (basically I want a generated
method with multiple parameters). I've written a simple test WSDL file that
can be used to illustrate the problem. Note that this is a document/literal
web service that I'm passing as input to wscompile so that the corresponding
Java objects can be generated. The wscompile command that I'm using is:


wscompile -gen:server -model model -f:wsi -f:unwrap -f:documentliteral -keep
-s generated -d output/server -verbose -classpath . config.xml


Note that I want the generated methods to use Item[] for method arguments
and not the generated "Items" object. The following WSDL file illustrates
the problem. If you take out the "param_two" from the message
"TestWebService_handleItems" then wscompile generates the proper artifacts.
However, if you add an extra parameter ("part_two") as the WSDL is currently
written, then wscompile outputs the following error:


[CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: Item]

[CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: Items]

[LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing serializer/deserializer for:

[LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing serializer/deserializer for:

error: generator error: internal error (should not happen):


Note that it still appears to generate all of the proper Java artifacts,
except now the main endpoint interface that it generates uses the "Items"
object as a parameter instead of "Item[]". Is there something wrong in the
way that I'm writing the WSDL? I've also noticed that if I don't use the
name of the operation as the element name for the "Items" complex type, then
the generated endpoint interface uses "Items" and not "Item[]".


Can anyone point me in the right direction here?


Thank you,





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


File: Test.wsdl



<definitions name="TestWebService"






            <!-- Types: Provides data type definitions used to describe the
messages exchanged. -->





                                    <complexType name="Items">


name="arrayOfItems" type="tns:Item" nillable="false"

minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">




                                    <complexType name="Item">


name="itemIdentifier" type="string" nillable="false"/>

name="itemName" type="string" nillable="true"/>



                                    <element name="handleItems"
type="tns:Items" />

                                    <element name="itemElement"




            <!-- Message: An abstract definition of the data being
transmitted. -->

            <message name="TestWebService_handleItems">

                        <part name="param_one" element="xsdns:handleItems"/>

                        <part name="param_two" element="xsdns:itemElement"/>



            <!-- PortType: An abstract definition of the operations. -->

            <portType name="TestWebServicePortType">

                        <operation name="handleItems">





            <!-- Binding: The concrete protocol and data format for the
operations and messages. -->

            <binding name="TestWebServiceBinding"

transport="" style="document"/>

                        <operation name="handleItems">



                                                <soap:body use="literal"/>





            <service name="TestWebService">

                        <port name="TestWebServicePort"








<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


<configuration xmlns="">

    <wsdl location="C:/test/Test.wsdl"

          packageName="com.test "/>
