Re: about JAXRPCServletDelegate and soap address location

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 12:25:13 -0400

This is an appropriate use case for using a web services management
(WSM) product to redirect requests. In this case you have one WSDL
that you give to clients, and the endpoint points to the WSM proxy. At
runtime, the WSM proxy redirects the request to the appropriate

Alternatively, you can use a registry (UDDI) to obtain the service
endpoint at runtime.


On Mar 31, 2005 3:12 PM, Doug Kohlert <> wrote:
> I agree with Kevin,
> Once a WSDL is published with an address, that address should not change
> as clients could possible exist that
> know the old address. Dynamically changing the address in a public WSDL
> would only help future clients.
> You would be better off to redirect a call to retrieve wsdl A (the one
> no longer used) request to the new wsdl B.
> Alessio Cervellin wrote:
> > Kevin Jones wrote:
> >
> >> But in both these cases, by the time you get to do this it's too
> >> late, you
> >> already have existing clients that know and use the old address.
> >
> >
> > maybe they know only the address of the WSDL, not the address of the
> > service specified within it, and I couldn't know if they (the clients,
> > old or upcoming ones) have already generated static stubs or not from it.
> >
> >> In these
> >> scenarios wouldn't you be better off simply writing a filter that
> >> redirected/forwarded to the appropriate URL?
> >
> >
> > Of course that's a solution (on many possible)... but I wouldn't
> > assert it's simplier & quicker than changing half line of text in a
> > WSDL file, isn't it?
> >
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