RE: Correctly shipping a web service client library

From: Kevin Jones <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 08:44:57 +0100

Depends exactly what you're doing. I would guess that you need (all relative
to %JWSDP_HOME%) the files from jaxrpc/lib and saaj/lib, you will probably
need some (but not all) of the jwsdp-shared/lib, oh, and you may need
jaxp/lib/endorsed. Sorry if this is a little vague but obviously your
mileage will vary depending on the app you have,

Kevin Jones
skype ( kevinrjones



        From: Ryan Champlin []
        Sent: 07 April 2005 21:46
        Subject: Correctly shipping a web service client library

        I'm building a web based application that is using a web service we
developed for our application. Basically, for my web based application I am
using JAX-RPC to generate my client stubs for my web service. If I deploy
my web application with these stubs what else will need to ship with my web
application? The web service will not be packaged with this particular web
application. Can I just package up all the stubs in a jar file and then
reference that from my web application and have everything work fine?
Obviously all the JAX-RPC jars will need to exist on whatever
webserver/servlet container the web app is being run on for this to work.
Will J2EE 1.4 based servlet containers contain these JAR files already? I
assume not as Tomcat doens't ship with them as of yet.

        If a customer were to try to deploy them on another server say a
Weblogic would they have these JARs or should I always be shipping all of
them along with my web app that has the JAX-RPC client stubs.
