Re: WSDL & Attachment type

From: Alessio Cervellin <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 09:44:12 +0100 (CET)

In the message declaration, shouldn't it be type="xsd:hexBinary" and not element="xsd:hexBinary"?

> ==========================
> Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:01:47 -0800 (PST)
> From: Harsh <>
> To:
> Subject: WSDL & Attachment type
> ==========================
> Hello,
> I using a white paper "Building Interoperable Web Services With
> Attachment
> Support Using JAXRPC 1.1.2"
> On the similar line I am trying to create the web service and
> I was hoping if
> any one can comment on the error.
> I am trying to experiment with wsdl file and attachments. I am
> using wscomplie
> tool to generate the client stub.
> My web service takes 2 attachments, one zip file and one xml
> file
> Service method performs processing and in response back the
> zip file as an
> attachment.
> Here is the error I get when I run following command:
> C:\Sun\jwsdp-1.5\jaxrpc\samples\Test>wscompile -gen:client -d
> ./build/client
> -keep -s ./client/src config.xml
> error: modeler error: invalid entity name: "hexBinary" (in namespace:
> "")
> config.xml:
> <configuration xmlns="">
> <wsdl
> location="./UpdateXML.wsdl"
> packageName=""/>
> </configuration>
> Here is my question:
> Am I using proper data type? for the zip & xml file attachments?
> and any inputs
> on service implementation method which I need to look for.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks for your time.
> -harsh
> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=""
> xmlns:soap=""
> xmlns:xsd=""
> xmlns:types=""
> xmlns:mime=""
> xmlns:tns=""
> xmlns:ns=""
> targetNamespace="" name="UpdateXMLService">
> <wsdl:types/>
> <wsdl:types/>
> <wsdl:message name="updateXMLRequest">
> <wsdl:part name="batchZipFile" type="xsd:hexBinary"/>
> <wsdl:part name="rulesXMLFile" type="xsd:hexBinary"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:message name="updateXMLResponse">
> <wsdl:part name="processedZipFile" element="xsd:hexBinary"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:portType name="UpdateXML">
> <wsdl:operation name="updateXML">
> <wsdl:input message="tns:updateXMLRequest"/>
> <wsdl:output message="tns:updateXMLResponse"/>
> </wsdl:operation>
> </wsdl:portType>
> <wsdl:binding name="UpdateXMLBinding" type="tns:UpdateXML">
> <soap:binding style="document"
> transport=""/>
> <wsdl:operation name="updateXML">
> <wsdl:input>
> <mime:multipartRelated>
> <mime:part>
> <soap:body use="literal"/>
> </mime:part>
> <mime:part>
> <mime:content part="batchZipFile" type="multipart/x-zip"/>
> </mime:part>
> <mime:part>
> <mime:content part="rulesXMLFile" type="text/xml"/>
> </mime:part>
> </mime:multipartRelated>
> </wsdl:input>
> <wsdl:output>
> <mime:multipartRelated>
> <mime:part>
> <soap:body use="literal"/>
> </mime:part>
> <mime:part>
> <mime:content part="processedZipFile" type="multipart/x-zip"/>
> </mime:part>
> </mime:multipartRelated>
> </wsdl:output>
> </wsdl:operation>
> </wsdl:binding>
> <wsdl:service name="UpdateXMLService">
> <wsdl:port name="UpdateXMLPort" binding="tns:UpdateXMLBinding">
> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/UpdateXML"/>
> </wsdl:port>
> </wsdl:service>
> </wsdl:definitions>
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