Re: [BUG?] uniqueness constraint violation on correct(?) wsdl

From: Alessio Cervellin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:33:01 +0100

This is the modified wsdl.


Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
> Please send the modified wsdl you are using.
> thanks,
> Rama Pulavarthi
> Alessio Cervellin wrote:
>> Thanks for the answer Rama, but even changing the wsdl as suggested by
>> you the same "uniqueness constraint violation" error occurs.
>> I also tried to change the name of the elements of the response
>> message to have them different from the ones in the request message
>> (though shouldn't be needed) but nothing changes.
>> The only interesting thing is that the error disappear if I delete
>> this element
>> <wsdl:part element="myns:ComplexElement1" name="mybody"/>
>> from the response message (or if I change its type).
>> This weird behaviour lets me think to a bug...
>> Do you have any other tip? Maybe I mispelled something else in the
>> wsdl...
>> Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
>>> The WSDL seems to be wrong. The input and output definitions in the
>>> binding section of "myWSOperation" are incorrectly defined. The
>>> soap:body is defined twice.
>>> The elements <soap:body parts="mybody" use="literal"/> and
>>> <soap:header message="tns:request" part="myheader" use="literal"/>
>>> should be inside </mime:multipartRelated> as a mime part.
>>> The correct definition would be like this.
>>> <wsdl:input>
>>> <mime:multipartRelated>
>>> <mime:part>
>>> <soap:body parts="mybody" use="literal"/>
>>> <soap:header message="tns:request"
>>> part="myheader" use="literal"/>
>>> </mime:part>
>>> <mime:part>
>>> <mime:content part="myattachment"
>>> type="text/xml"/>
>>> </mime:part>
>>> </mime:multipartRelated> </wsdl:input>
>>> thanks,
>>> Rama Pulavarthi
>>> Alessio Cervellin wrote:
>>>> The wscompile of jwsdp1.5 reports a "uniqueness constraint
>>>> violation" error (w/out further info) on this wsdl which describes
>>>> an operation w/ attachment (mime multipart)... but it seems fine to
>>>> me. Is this a bug or did I mispell something in the wsdl?
>>>> [xpost on]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <wsdl:definitions
>>>> name="myWS"
>>>> targetNamespace="http://domain/mywsdl.wsdl"
>>>> xmlns:myns=""
>>>> xmlns:soap=""
>>>> xmlns:mime=""
>>>> xmlns:tns="http://domain/mywsdl.wsdl"
>>>> xmlns:wsdl=""
>>>> xmlns:xsd="">
>>>> <wsdl:types>
>>>> <xsd:schema
>>>> attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>>> elementFormDefault="qualified"
>>>> targetNamespace=""
>>>> xmlns=""
>>>> xmlns:SOAP_ENV=""
>>>> xmlns:myns=""
>>>> xmlns:xsd="">
>>>> <xsd:import
>>>> namespace=""
>>>> schemaLocation=""/>
>>>> <xsd:element name="ComplexElement1">
>>>> <xsd:complexType>
>>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>>> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded"
>>>> ref="ComplexElement2"/>
>>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>>> </xsd:element>
>>>> <xsd:element name="ComplexElement2">
>>>> <xsd:attribute name="anattribute"
>>>> type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
>>>> </xsd:element>
>>>> <xsd:element name="Header">
>>>> <xsd:complexType>
>>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>>> <xsd:element ref="Header2"/>
>>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>>> </xsd:element>
>>>> <xsd:element name="Header2">
>>>> <xsd:attribute name="anotherattribute"
>>>> type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
>>>> </xsd:element>
>>>> </xsd:schema>
>>>> </wsdl:types>
>>>> <wsdl:message name="request">
>>>> <wsdl:part element="myns:Header" name="myheader"/>
>>>> <wsdl:part name="myattachment" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
>>>> <wsdl:part element="myns:ComplexElement1" name="mybody"/>
>>>> </wsdl:message>
>>>> <wsdl:message name="response">
>>>> <wsdl:part element="myns:Header" name="myheader"/>
>>>> <wsdl:part name="myattachment" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
>>>> <wsdl:part element="myns:ComplexElement1"
>>>> name="mybody"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType
>>>> name="myWSPortType">
>>>> <wsdl:operation name="myWSOperation">
>>>> <wsdl:input message="tns:request"/>
>>>> <wsdl:output message="tns:response"/>
>>>> </wsdl:operation>
>>>> </wsdl:portType>
>>>> <wsdl:binding name="myWSBinding" type="tns:myWSPortType">
>>>> <soap:binding style="document"
>>>> transport=""/>
>>>> <wsdl:operation name="myWSOperation">
>>>> <soap:operation style="document"/>
>>>> <wsdl:input>
>>>> <mime:multipartRelated>
>>>> <mime:part>
>>>> <soap:body parts="mybody" use="literal"/>
>>>> </mime:part>
>>>> <mime:part>
>>>> <mime:content part="myattachment"
>>>> type="text/xml"/>
>>>> </mime:part>
>>>> </mime:multipartRelated>
>>>> <soap:body parts="mybody" use="literal"/>
>>>> <soap:header message="tns:request"
>>>> part="myheader" use="literal"/>
>>>> </wsdl:input>
>>>> <wsdl:output>
>>>> <mime:multipartRelated>
>>>> <mime:part>
>>>> <soap:body parts="mybody" use="literal"/>
>>>> </mime:part>
>>>> <mime:part>
>>>> <mime:content part="myattachment"
>>>> type="text/xml"/>
>>>> </mime:part>
>>>> </mime:multipartRelated>
>>>> <soap:body parts="mybody"
>>>> use="literal"/> <soap:header
>>>> message="tns:response" part="myheader" use="literal"/>
>>>> </wsdl:output>
>>>> </wsdl:operation>
>>>> </wsdl:binding>
>>>> <wsdl:service name="myWS">
>>>> <wsdl:port binding="tns:myWSBinding" name="myWSPort">
>>>> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/myWS/myWS"/>
>>>> </wsdl:port>
>>>> </wsdl:service>
>>>> </wsdl:definitions>
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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