Problem Building classes starting from a WSDL with XSD import(enum)

From: Cidar F. Rojas Santamaria(Coopealianza R.L.) <"Cidar>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 15:45:38 -0600

I'm new in Web Services programming. I tried to use
wscompile to build java source files from <a WSDL.

Here I attach WSDL and XSD to try to build source
using wscompile.

A month of investigation and reading; and I couldn't
build java source files to start to develop my web
service. I'm very confused. Please HELP mE!

I used Netbeans 4.1 EA, but WSDL is generated
in RPC Encoded style, and it have not the same
format than original WSDL? There are any problem
if WSDL is different or uses RPC Encoded Style?

Attached WSDL uses DOCUMENT/LITERAL style, original
code is .NET, and the main problem is directory
structure (namespace), and enumeration data types
in data definition.

I would like to know if somebody of you could
build java source files?

Please only try and tell me if generated code is
interoperable with .NET. And HOW COULD I DO TO BUILD

I made the same thing with Apache Axis, and I can
build a WSDL similar with some serialization warnings,
and result is not the same WSDL.

Again... Please help me! I really need
your help.! God bless you!

| Cidar F. Rojas Santamarķa   Analista de Sistemas    |
|                               COOPEALIANZA R.L.     |
|                           ------------------------- |
| Tel: 771 3557                                       |
| Ext: 145,146                                        |

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