JAX-RPC error.Can anybody trace the problom?.

From: shaba dil <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 08:37:30 -0700 (PDT)

HI all,
I am attaching a small very simple sample source code
and war file which returns the error ..
the error comes in brawser window is,
HTTP Status 404 - /testrpc/test

type Status report

message /testrpc/test

description The requested resource (/testrpc/test) is
not available.

I cant figure out where i gone wrong in it.I have
posted it previousely.And i have made a small very
simple war file also for somwbody to test.It maybe a
very simple problom.And the sample i am attaching here
containes only TWO class files.It containes a
log4j.jar file in lib folder so size of the file is
approx 360KB.

Somebody plz hav a look,


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