Re: JWSDP & invokeOneWay

From: kathy walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 09:11:15 -0500

Jaxrpc 1.1 does not support asynchronous operations, however, the draft
of jaxrpc 2.0 that is out on the website specifies support for such invocations-


Ryan LeCompte wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm using JWSDP 1.4 and have written a JAX-RPC client using the DII
> interfaces. Specifically, I'm using the Call.invokeOneWay() operation
> to invoke a remote web service operation asynchronously. However, it
> appears that it isn't truly asynchronous, since a stub based version
> of the client (not using DII) actually returns from invoking the
> remote web service operation faster than the DII version. Does anyone
> know if the reference implementation of JAX-RPC that comes with the
> JWSDP actually implements a truly asynchronous solution for the
> Call.invokeOneWay method (such as spawing off a new thread to perform
> the method invocation, etc) ?
> Also, my WSDL file from which the web service client and
> implementation are built uses document-style operations with "empty"
> responses (all of the methods have 'void' return types and the WSDL
> specifies an "empty" message as the "output" of each operation block
> in the WSDL). I've tried using the -f:useonewayoperations option to
> wscompile, but that doesn't seem to make a difference in the behavior
> that I'm seeing compared to just using "empty" responses for all of
> the operations in the WSDL.
> Thanks,
> -- Ryan