Any success in replacing jaxm and/or saaj in WebLogic 8.1 SP3?

From: Karr, David <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:57:40 -0800

I've discovered that WebLogic's (8.1SP3) implementation of SAAJ has an
issue with CDATA blocks in SOAP messages, where it "URL-encodes" the
content instead of leaving it as a raw CDATA block. One of our
customers has a message like that. We're asking them if they can
convert their message to use an attachment, but I'm still exploring
options for this.

From the API, it seems remotely possible to replace the jaxm and saaj
implementations (as opposed to the interface). The
ProviderConnectionFactory in JAXM allows an implementation to be
specified in JNDI. If I were to do this, I would put the
"jaxm-runtime.jar" and "saaj-ri.jar" from jwsdp 1.1 in my APP-INF/lib,
and these shouldn't conflict (the class names, at least) with the
classes in WebLogic.

Does this seem possible to do? Is there anything else I would have to
cover if I try to follow this path?

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