Found the information in the specification, Thank you, Anne!
In the specification, there's "cluster" not mentioned. In the EJB
specification I found some small occurences of the word. So I guess this
clustering support is a J2EE thing. I would like to know, if an app
server supporting clustering will distribute a JAX-RPC web services (as
it would do with a J2EE web service)???
To keep things simple I would like to hold client state in static
variables (or maybe in HTTP Session, but I will try to not require HTTP
Session), which will not work in a clustered environment if requests by
one client get handled at different hosts of the cluster over time ...
Thank you!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anne Thomas Manes []
> Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 11:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: SLSB instance will be created as needed, what
> about JAX-RPC servlet instance?
> It depends on the JAX-RPC runtime you're using.
> See Section 10.1.1 for a description of the service endpoint
> lifecycle.
> Most JAX-RPC implementations support instance pooling. Most
> implementations
> also support configurable application scope -- one per
> request, one per
> session, or a singleton for all requests.
> Anne
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