Re: Is Apache Axis required to deploy JAX-RPC application?.

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 09:54:11 -0400

> Ok, packaging the JAXRPC .jars to the .war is the solution to prefer,
> agree.

You end up with some large war files, but that will work. The idea of
installing the jwsdp over the tomcat installation is to make the jars
required for web services available to all web applications. However, if
you want to use different implementations of web services or something
like that then you can keep your tomcat installation "clean" and do it
this way.

(From a debugging standpoint, this would be a lotta work if you're
working on one of those contained jars!)


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