
From: Juhász Csaba <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 14:17:48 +0100

 Dear Sir/Madam,

 I1ve read in java forum your email address. I have some question, and I hope You easily answer it:

- I've run the helloservice service with the staticstub client and dynamic proxy client in jwstutor1.3, and they all work well. After it I implemented a new method on a server, and I'd like to invoke it from these clients. The result was not fully satisfied:

    - the dynamicproxy client work well with the new method (sayGoodbye)
    - the staticstub client didn't work with the new method (I've build it again before running!). As I look a class directory (build/staticstub), there is a file:MySecureHElloService_SR.class, in which I've found the "sayHello" method, but I cannot find my new method("sayGoodbye"). I find HelloIF_sayHello_RequestStruct.class in this directory, but I cannot find HelloIF_sayGoodbye_RequestStruct.class, which is needed for my new method sayGoodbye, I think. Who/What generate these files? wscompile? If so, why it can't see my new method? This is my first question.

The second question's subject is the authentication. The staticstub client can use basic authentication with Stub class's method: setProperty(USERNAME PROPERTY, ...), and similarly with the password property. The DII client can also use this authentication with Call class's similar method. But in Dynamic proxy client there isn't Call or Stub class, only Service class, which hasn't method setproperty. How can I use the basic authentication in dynamicproxy type client?

Thanks in advance for your reply!
Best regards:
 Csaba Juhasz
   Java developer
  Synergon Rt.

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