Re: "QName" class was not found.....any other jar class?

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 23:35:24 -0800

Hi Irda,

Can you pass all the required jars to the generated code using the
-classpath option ? So you need to invoke StockClient as follows:

java -classpath <all the jars + other classes you need> <any other
options you need> StockClient


Irda Ab Rahman wrote:

> Dear Arun and others,
> Am going through some of possible way on how to dissolve this
> "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/namespace/Q
> Name " at and . The
> possible action is by copying and jar the required jar cvf
> StockClient.jar ( inclusive jax-qname.jar,....and other JWSDP_HOME
> llibraries) ~ as was pointed out by Arun.
> However, am still stumbled block with the same error . Is there any
> possibility that i need to copy these required jar files into the
> generated-stub directory? I don't know what could be any others
> possible way to handle.
> Any good hints will be more appereciate. Thnx!
> Irda
> Arun Gupta wrote:
>> Hi Irda,
>> javax.xml.namespace.QName is available in
>> JWSDP_HOME/jwsdps-shared/lib/jax-qname.jar.
>> For running the client, you need to include all the jar files
>> required by jax-rpc client runtime. These are
>> JWSDP_HOME/jaxrpc/lib/*.jar
>> JWSDP_HOME//saaj/lib/*.jar
>> JWSDP_HOME/jwsdp-shared/lib/*.jar (not all are required, but this is
>> convenient)
>> JWSDP_HOME/jaxp/lib/*.jar
>> JWSDP_HOME/jaxp/lib/endorsed/*.jar
>> Hoping that you see the output soon.
>> -Arun
>> Irda Ab Rahman wrote:
>>> Dear Arun ,
>>> Appreciated ur prompt reply on a good hints abt the missing "/ -
>>> THNx!"
>>> The missing "/" at the "endpoint" element has been rectified and
>>> now, I've generated the cooked WAR file - stock.war and all the
>>> server artifacts at the tmpdir in order to deploy StockQouteProvider
>>> service at Tomcat container. Apparently , there is a slight problem
>>> while starting to invoke the service using the StockClient.class.....
>>> The error turned out as below while run the StockClient wf
>>> -classpath StockClient.jar :-
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> javax/xml/namespace/Q
>>> Name
>>> at
>>> com.example.StockQuoteService_Impl.<clinit>(StockQuoteService_Impl.ja
>>> va:19)
>>> at com.example.StockClient.main(
>>> Really hope to get another hints on execute the StockClient......and
>>> hope i can see the output soon.
>>> 2nd cry for help to see the getLastTradePrice() output......
>>> Irda
>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>> Hi Irda,
>>>> There was a missing "/" in the "endpoint" element of jaxrpc-ri.xml
>>>> in the part 2 of the whitepaper. I've fixed the typo. Please
>>>> refresh the local copy of your whitepaper and copy the deployment
>>>> descriptor again.
>>>> Let me know if you face any other problems.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Arun
>>>> Irda Ab Rahman wrote:
>>>>> Dear Arun and others,
>>>>> As a new beginner in learning the sample "StockQoute" services in
>>>>> the Understanding Your JAX-RPC SI En Part1 and Part 2 document, I
>>>>> deliberately found a few error(s) after generating a cooked war
>>>>> file using wsdeploy. Kindly to have ur kind assistance in
>>>>> starting to deploy this StockQuote service at Tomcat.
>>>>> The error look like this :-
>>>>> invalid element "endpointMapping" in deployment descriptor (line 19)
>>>>> invalid element "endpointMapping" in deployment descriptor (line 19)
>>>>> at
>>>>> alName(
>>>>> at
>>>>> nt(
>>>>> at
>>>>> vices(
>>>>> at
>>>>> at
>>>>> at
>>>>> at
>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>> at
>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
>>>>> java:39)
>>>>> at
>>>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>> at
>>>>> Thanks and desprately need help,
>>>>> Irda
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