doc/lit "Missing port information"

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:43:44 -0800

I've got a doc/lit service I constructed by generating code from the
WSDL, using the build.xml from the tutorial
examples/jaxrpc/advanced/stubs directory. Everything seems to generate
okay, but when I try to access the service I get an error
"JAXRPC.JAXPRCSERVLET.28: Missing port information". The actual request
looks okay, with a single body element that has the proper QName for
what my <wsdl:message> says I should be passing. From an inspection of
the war file I can see my implementation classes are present. There
doesn't appear to be any useful output in the logs (both in general, and
specifically for this problem). I'm using JWSDP 1.3 and deploying to the
included Tomcat.

Any suggestions? Thanks,

  - Dennis

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