Re: Generating Serializable Classes from WSDL

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 07:45:00 -0800

wscompile does not generate serializable classes. The serializeinterfaces
option you specified is used to to generate serializers for
interfaces used in the SEI. When this option is set you should be able to
pass classes that implement an interface in the SEI as parameters; however
on the receiving end of the message you will only have access to the members
defined in the respective interface and will not be able to access any members
defined on the concrete class that was sent unless you specify
<additionalTypes> in your config.xml file. There is currently no plan
to generate serializable classes.

John Colgrave wrote:

> Is it possible to get the wscompile tool that is part of the JWSDP 1.3 to
> generate classes that support the Java Serialization Semantics as described
> in section 5.4.2 of the JAX-RPC 1.1 Specification?
> I have tried specifying the serializeinterfaces feature but that does not
> seem to have any effect on any of the generated code. I can't see any other
> relevant option or feature.
> John Colgrave
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Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806
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