Re: Documentation for Wscompile task under Ant

From: Farrukh Najmi <Farrukh.Najmi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 11:23:04 -0500

Thanks for the excellent summary of wscompile ant task. It would be good
to include this in the docs. Same goes for the wsdeploy ant task.

I am wondering how one specifies proxyHost and proxyPort for this task.
The reason is that my WSDL/XML Schema import remote WSDL/Schema and I am
behind a firewall. Thanks for your help.

Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Currently there is no formal document on wscompile ant task. There 
> should be one shortly on
> Here is the summary of wscompile ant task:
>     <wscompile
>         fork= true|false
>         debug= true|false
>         keep=true|false
>         client=true|false  |  server=true|false
>         base="dest-dir-for-generated-class"
>         verbose=true|flase
>         config="config.xml"
>         features="wscompile-features"
>         source="1.0.1"|"1.0.3"|"1.1"(default)
>         xPrintStackTrace=true|false
>         xSerializable=true|false>
>       <classpath/>
>     </wscompile>
> fork    - forks the wscompile process in another jvm
> debug - generate debugging info (-g on command line)
> keep   -  keep generated files ( -keep on command line)
> client -     generate client artifacts (stubs, etc.) (-gen:client on 
> command line)
> or
> server - generate server artifacts (ties, etc.) (-gen:server on 
> command line)
> base - specify where to place generated output files (-d on command line)
> source - generate code for the specified JAXRPC SI version. (-source 
> version on
>          command line). supported versions are: 1.0.1, 1.0.3 and 1.1 
> (default)
> features - comma seperated list of features, such as
>       datahandleronly           always map attachments to the 
> DataHandler type
>       documentliteral           use document literal encoding
>       rpcliteral                use rpc literal encoding
>       explicitcontext           turn on explicit service context mapping
>       infix:<name>              specify an infix to use for generated ties
>                                 and serializers
>       infix=<name>              same as infix:<name> (not on Windows)
>       jaxbenumtype              map anonymous enumeration to its base 
> type.
>       nodatabinding             turn off data binding for literal encoding
>       noencodedtypes            turn off encoding type information
>       nomultirefs               turn off support for multiple references
>       norpcstructures           do not generate RPC structures 
> (-import only)
>       novalidation              turn off full validation of imported WSDL
>                                 documents
>       resolveidref              resolve xsd:IDREF
>       searchschema              search schema aggressively for subtypes
>       serializeinterfaces       turn on direct serialization of 
> interface types
>       strict                    generate code strictly compliant with 
> the JAXRPC
>                                 1.1 specification
>       useonewayoperations       allow generation of one-way operations
>       wsi                       enable WSI-Basic Profile features (for
>                                 document/literal and rpc/literal)
>       unwrap                    enable unWrapping of document/literal
>                                 wrapper elements in wsi mode
>       donotoverride             donot regenerate the classes
>       donotunwrap               disable unWrapping of document/literal
>                                 wrapper elements in wsi mode (Default)
> xPrintStackTrace - print exception stack traces (-Xprintstacktrace on 
> comm line)
> xSerializable - generate value types that implement Serializable 
> interface
>                         (-Xserializable on command line)
> config - configuration file
> -vivek.
> Tony Jeffery wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to find some documentation for the wscompile task in Ant.
>> Does anyone know of any?
>> regards,
>> Tony J
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>Vivek Pandey
>Web Technologies and Standards
>Sun Microsystems Inc.
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