Re: Question Regarding Doc Literal Arrays

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 07:09:19 -0800

Try jwsdp1.3. I find that it maps an element with minOccurs="0" and
maxOccurs="unbounded" to array.

Here is the schema fragment in my rpc/lit wsdl:

<complexType name="ArrayOfContentItems">
    <element name="item" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"

Using wscompile with jaxrpc fcs version in jwsdp 1.3, wscompile maps
item element to java.lang.String String[]:

public class ArrayOfContentItems {
    protected java.lang.String[] item;

    public ArrayOfContentItems() {

    public ArrayOfContentItems(java.lang.String[] item) {
        this.item = item;

    public java.lang.String[] getItem() {
        return item;

    public void setItem(java.lang.String[] item) {
        this.item = item;


RaviKiran wrote:

> Hi,
> The WSDL Modeler in jwsdp1.2 does not model a xml type with
> minoccurs=0 and maxoccurs=unbounded as an java Array.It models it as
> java array only if minOccurs=1 in the xml type.
> However the WSDL generated by the wscompile of the same jwsdp1.2
> would create a xml type with minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs =unbounded for
> a java array .Is this a incompatibility issues? Does some one have
> come acroos this problem and have a workaround for this issue?
> The value of "0" as the size of an array is valid value (in Java
> atleast),so I believe that an xml type of minOcccurs=0
> ,maxoccurs=unbounded should be modeled as an array.
> Regards,
> Ravikiran.
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Vivek Pandey
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems Inc.
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