Re: MessageContext->Stub and Stub->MessageContext?

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 16:31:06 -0400

> I was trying to find out a way to stash the session specific token on
> the httpsession, but could not figure out a way to access httpsession
> from a soap handler. My feeling is that soap handler only allow to access
> MessageContext, which is pretty limited when wanting to share data for handlers
> btwn different soap calls.

Jeremy is right -- from the MessageContext you can get the SOAPMessage,
and from the SOAPMessage you can call getMimeHeaders() to get the
headers (javax.xml.soap package). If setting the session maintain
property on the stub doesn't do what you want, this may be an option for
you. I haven't tried setting new http headers this way though, so I
can't guarantee it.


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