is your implementation entry in jaxrpc-ri.xml correct?
May be its: "calculatorservice.CalculatorIFImpl"
Xiaohong Wang wrote:
>I'm new to jaxrpc-ri. Sorry if this has been well discussed. I would like to
>understand in what cases jaxrpc servlet returns "No JAX-RPC context
>information available." when it is supposed to give back welcome page? I
>have a very simple testing calculator web service wscompile and wsdeploy in
>jwsdp1.2. I got this message when I tried to hit service endpoint. After
>searching the discussion forum, the most recent same problem was caused by
>incorrect impl class name. So I checked them in config-interface.xml and
>jaxrpc-ri.xml, they looked good. Here is both files. And I have no problem
>to generate the tie,wsdl etc files. What am I missing here? Does this
>message thrown in init jaxrpc servlet? or init ok, but problem when it tries
>to outputstream services info(wsdl, port, model etc)? Any ideas? Please
>help. Thanks
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> xmlns="">
> <service
> name="MyCalService"
> targetNamespace="urn:cal"
> typeNamespace="urn:cal"
> packageName="calculatorservice">
> <interface name="calculatorservice.CalculatorIF"/>
> </service>
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> xmlns=""
> version="1.0"
> targetNamespaceBase="urn:cal"
> typeNamespaceBase="urn:cal"
> urlPatternBase="/ws">
> <endpoint
> name="MyCal"
> displayName="Calculator Service"
> description="A simple web service"
> interface="calculatorservice.CalculatorIF"
> model="/WEB-INF/model.gz"
> implementation="calculatorservice.calculatorIFImpl"/>
> <endpointMapping
> endpointName="MyCal"
> urlPattern="/cal"/>
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Vivek Pandey
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems Inc.
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