Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

From: Arun Gupta <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 07:00:37 -0700

Depending upon whether you are starting from Java or WSDL, can you post
your interface or WSDL ?

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:

> [echo] Running wsdeploy....
> [exec] info: created temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> [exec] info: processing endpoint: ServiceRegistry
> [exec] error: invalid type for JAX-RPC structure: javax.xml.registry.LifeCy
> [exec] info: created output war file: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrp
> [exec] info: removed temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j