Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

From: Ramasamy S/O Valliappan <rama_at_SIMTECH.A-STAR.EDU.SG>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:49:52 +0800

No, I am using JAXR Objects as parameters and return values

For example, Organization, ClassificationScheme, Service, ServiceBinding, Concept Objects, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arun Gupta [mailto:Arun.Gupta_at_SUN.COM]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and
process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

Hi Ramasamy,

It seems like one of the classes in your interface is using This class is not considered as a valid JAX-RPC value
type. Please refer to section 5.4 of JAX-RPC 1.0 specification for the
requirements on value types.

To solve this problem, you can consider using java.lang.String instead
of to pass around URL information.

Here are the requirements from the spec for your reference ...

• Java class must have a public default constructor.
• Java class must not implement (directly or indirectly) the java.rmi.Remote
• Java class may implement any Java interface (except the
java.rmi.Remote interface)
or extend another Java class.
• Java class may contain public, private, protected, package-level
fields. The Java type
of a public field must be a supported JAX-RPC type as specified in the
section 5.1,
“JAX-RPC Supported Java Types”.
• Java class may contain methods. There are no specified restrictions on
the nature of
these methods. Refer to the later rule about the JavaBeans properties.
• Java class may contain static or transient fields.
• Java class for a JAX-RPC value type may be designed as a JavaBeans
class. In this
case, the bean properties (as defined by the JavaBeans introspection)
are required to
follow the JavaBeans design pattern of setter and getter methods. The
Java type of a
bean property must be a supported JAX-RPC type as specified in the
section 5.1,
“JAX-RPC Supported Java Types”.

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:

> How can I solve the following problem ?
> process-war:
> [echo] Running wsdeploy....
> [exec] info: created temporary directory:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrpc\serviceregistr
> y\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-1cafd7
> [exec] info: processing endpoint: ServiceRegistry
> [exec] error: class does not have a public accessible
> empty constructor
> [exec] info: created output war file:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrpc\serviceregistry\di
> st\serviceregistry-jaxrpc.war
> [exec] info: removed temporary directory:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrpc\serviceregistr
> y\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-1cafd7
> My interface and implementation are as follows
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arun Gupta [mailto:Arun.Gupta_at_SUN.COM]
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 1:22 AM
> Subject: Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and
> process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?
> Hi Ramasamy,
> I do not see a reference to javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager class in
> the interface. However there are quite a few other classes like
> RegistryPublishUrl, RegistryInquiryUrl, OrganizationImpl and others. Do
> any of these classes have LifeCycleManager as a member field ?
> It seems like javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager is being used as a
> value type or as a member of a value type. This is not allowed since
> this class does not conform to the value type requirements specified in
> section 5.4 of JAX-RPC 1.0 specification.
> Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> Regards,
> -Arun
> Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:
> >I start from JAVA to expose some of the JAXR API capabilities to
> publish, inquire and delete some information in the UDDI Registry Server.
> >.
> >My interface and implementation java codes are attached.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Arun Gupta [mailto:Arun.Gupta_at_SUN.COM]
> > Sent: Thu 9/11/2003 10:00 PM
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and
> process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Depending upon whether you are starting from Java or WSDL, can you post
> > your interface or WSDL ?
> >
> > Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> >
> > Regards,
> > -Arun
> >
> > Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:
> >
> > >process-war:
> > > [echo] Running wsdeploy....
> > > [exec] info: created temporary directory:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> > >axrpc\serviceregistry\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-ac3855
> > > [exec] info: processing endpoint: ServiceRegistry
> > > [exec] error: invalid type for JAX-RPC structure:
> javax.xml.registry.LifeCy
> > >cleManager
> > > [exec] info: created output war file:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrp
> > >c\serviceregistry\dist\serviceregistry-jaxrpc.war
> > > [exec] info: removed temporary directory:
> D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> > >axrpc\serviceregistry\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-ac3855
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >package org.jssl.serviceregistry;
> >
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managebusiness.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managecategory.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservice.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservicebinding.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageconcept.*;
> >
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.dac.registryaccess.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryInquiryUrl;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryPublishUrl;
> >
> >import com.sun.xml.registry.uddi.infomodel.*;
> >
> >import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*;
> >
> >import java.util.Vector;
> >import java.rmi.*;
> >
> >public interface RegistryIF extends Remote
> >{
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to set the default private/public registry
> server?s publish URL.
> > * @param purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * @param uname Client Username.
> > * @param pword Client Password.
> > * @return String
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>sid Session Id.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String setDefaultPublishUrl(RegistryPublishUrl purl[], String
> uname, String pword) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to get the default private/public registry
> server?s publish URL.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @return purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public RegistryPublishUrl[] getDefaultPublishUrl(String sid) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to set the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL.
> > * @param qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * @param uname Client Username.
> > * @param pword Client Password.
> > * @return String
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>sid Session Id.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String setDefaultInquiryUrl(RegistryInquiryUrl qurl[], String
> uname, String pword) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to get the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @return qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public RegistryInquiryUrl[] getDefaultInquiryUrl(String sid) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new business information like
> business name, business description,
> > * contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email
> address to the given public/private
> > * registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new business whereas the null string is
> returned for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the business information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> >
> > public String[] registerBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered business information like
> business name, business description, contact
> > * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address
> to the given public/private registry server?s
> > * publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned
> for successful updating of the existing business
> > * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business
> failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> > * server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered business information like
> business name, business description, contact person
> > * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address from the
> default public registry server?s publish URL
> > * (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> > * of the existing business whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> for updating business failure and the integer value 2
> > * is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service information like
> service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and accessurl to the given public/private registry
> server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> > * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing service whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> > * for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned
> for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl srv[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service information like
> service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and accessurl from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> successful updating of the existing service
> > * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service
> failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> > * server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateService(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service binding
> information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> > * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The
> updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> > * successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the
> integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding
> > * failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure /
> error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service
> Binding not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl
> srvbdg[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service binding
> information like service binding description, and accessurl
> > * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating
> > * status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> of the existing service binding whereas the
> > * integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding failure
> and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> > * failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service
> Binding not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceBinding(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceBindingImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to update registered category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification description to the given public/private
> registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> > * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing category whereas the integer value 1 is returned for
> > * updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification description from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> successful updating of the existing category whereas
> > * the integer value 1 is returned for updating category failure and
> the integer value 2 is returned for server
> > * failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl
> org[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to update registered concept information like
> concept names, concept description, etc. to the
> > * given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating
> status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> > * successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer
> value 1 is returned for updating concept failure and
> > * the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cpt[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered concept information like
> concept names, concept description, etc. from the
> > * default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> > * an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is
> > * returned for updating concept failure and the integer value 2 is
> returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl org[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new business information like
> business name, business description, contact
> > * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address
> to the private/public default registry
> > * server?s publish URL (by setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The
> registration status of an UUID string is
> > * returned for successful registration of the new business whereas
> the null string is returned for registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the business information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification scheme description with the given public
> registry server?s publish URL. The registration status
> > * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the
> new category whereas the null string is returned
> > * for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the category information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification scheme description with the default
> private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful registration
> > * of the new category whereas the null string is returned for
> registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the category information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerCategory(String sid,
> ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new concept information like
> concept name, concept description, and external link to the
> > * default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status
> > * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the
> new concept whereas the null string is returned for
> > * registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl concept[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service information like
> business id, service name, service description, service
> > * binding description, and service access URI with the given public
> registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> > * status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration
> of the new service whereas the null string is
> > * returned for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl
> sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register service binding information like
> service binding description, and accessurl to
> > * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The
> registration status of an UUID string is returned for
> > * successful registration of the new service binding whereas the
> null string is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service binding information has not been
> registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[],
> String username[], String password[], String serviceid[],
> ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register concept information like concept
> names, concept description, etc. to the given
> > * public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new concept whereas the null string is
> returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cptinfo[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service information like
> business id, service name, service description, service
> > * binding description, and service access URI to the default
> private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful registration of
> > * the new service whereas the null string is returned for
> registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerService(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service binding information
> like service id, service binding description,
> > * and service binding access URI to the default private/public
> registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is
> returned for registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service binding information has not been
> registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceBinding(String sid, String
> serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the businesses based on
> business ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessesByKey(String inquiryurl[],
> String businessid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> > * business id, business name, business description, contact person
> name, contact telephone number, and
> > * contact email address based on the exact business name. A object
> array containing business information is
> > * returned upon successful retrieval of the business information
> whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * business name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgname Exact Organization Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> businessname) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> > * business id, business name, business description, contact person
> name, contact telephone number, and contact
> > * email address based on the business name (wild card). A object
> array containing business information is returned
> > * upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon business name
> > * search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> businessname) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the private/public default registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultInquiryUrl() method) for business information like
> business id, business name,
> > * business description, contact person name, contact telephone
> number, and contact email address based on
> > * the business name (wild card). A object array containing business
> information is returned upon successful
> > * retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("")
> is returned upon business name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusiness(String sid, String businessname)
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for category information
> > * like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and
> classification scheme description based
> > * on the exact classification scheme name. A object array containing
> category information is returned
> > * upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * category name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catname Exact ClassificationScheme Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByName(String
> inquiryurl[], String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for category information like
> > * classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and
> classification scheme description based on the
> > * classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing
> category information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty
> object ("") is returned upon category
> > * name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByUrl(String inquiryurl[],
> String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default public registry server?s
> inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for category information like classification scheme type,
> classification scheme name, and classification
> > * scheme description based on the classification scheme name (wild
> card). A object array containing category information
> > * is returned upon successful retrieval of the category information
> whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * wild card classification name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategory(String sid, String
> categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for service binding information like service binding id,
> service binding description, and service binding access
> > * URI based on the service binding id. A object array containing
> service binding information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service binding information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon service binding id
> > * search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvbdgid Valid Service Binding Id
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding id has been found in the
> given private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service binding id could not be found (failure) in
> the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBinding(String sid, String
> conceptid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for concept information like concept id, concept name,
> concept description, and external link based on the
> > * concept name (wild card). A object array containing concept
> information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> > * concept information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> wild card concept name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConcept(String sid, String conceptid) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for service information like service id, service name,
> service description, service binding description, and
> > * service access URI based on the service name (wild card). A object
> array containing service information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty
> object ("") is returned upon wild card service name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewService(String sid, String servicename) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for service information like service
> > * id, service name, service description, service binding
> description, and service access URI based on the exact
> > * service name. A object array containing service information is
> returned upon successful retrieval of the
> > * service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> service name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvname Exact Service Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServiceByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> servicename) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for service information like
> > * service id, service name, service description, service binding
> description, and service access URI
> > * based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing
> service information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty
> array ("") is returned upon service
> > * name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServiceByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> servicename) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service binding information (like
> service binding id, service binding description, and
> > * service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s
> publish URL, based on the service id. An integer
> > * (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> service binding information whereas the value "1" is
> > * returned if the service binding id could not be found in the
> registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> > * service binding information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the
> service binding information has been successfully deleted from the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the
> service binding information was not deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the service binding information has not been deleted
> (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String srvbdgid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the services based on service
> ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServicesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String
> serviceid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the service bindings based on
> service binding ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding ids has been found in the
> given private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service binding ids could not be found (failure) in
> the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBindingsByKey(String
> inquiryurl[], String srvbdgid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the categories based on
> ClassificationScheme ids from the default private/public
> > * registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoriesByKey(String
> inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the concepts based on concept
> ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> > * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the exact
> concept name. A Concept object array containing
> > * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> concept information whereas an empty object ("")
> > * is returned upon concept name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptname Exact Concept Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> > * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the concept
> name(wild card). A Concept object array containing
> > * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> concept information whereas an empty object ("") is
> > * returned upon concept name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete business information (like business
> id, business name, business description, contact person name,
> > * contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the
> specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> > * business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon
> successful deletion of the business information whereas the value
> > * "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> > * deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the
> business information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businesskey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete business information (like business
> id, business name, business description, contact person
> > * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address) from
> the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by
> > * the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the business id. An
> integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful
> > * deletion of the business information whereas the value "1" is
> returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> > * server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the
> business information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteBusiness(String sid, String businesskey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete category information (like
> classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> > * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the
> specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> > * category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon
> successful deletion of the category information whereas the value
> > * "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the
> registry server and the value "2" is returned upon category
> > * information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the
> category information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String categoryid[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept
> id, concept name, concept description, etc.) from
> > * the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> concept id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned
> > * upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the
> value "1" is returned if the concept id could not be
> > * found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> concept information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String conceptid[]) throws RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete category information (like
> classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> > * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the
> default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the category id. An
> integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> > * of the category information whereas the value "1" is returned if
> the category id could not be found in the registry server
> > * and the value "2" is returned upon category information deletion
> failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the
> category information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteCategory(String sid, String categorykey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept
> id, concept name, concept description, and external link)
> > * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the concept id.
> > * An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> of the concept information whereas the value "1" is
> > * returned if the concept id could not be found in the registry
> server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept
> > * information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteConcept(String sid, String conceptkey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service information (like service
> id, service name, service description, service binding description,
> > * and service access URI) from the specified public registry
> server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer (int) value
> > * of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service
> information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> > * could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is
> returned upon service information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String servicekey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service information (like service
> id, service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and service access URI) from the default public
> registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method), based on the service id. An integer (int) value of "0" is
> returned upon successful deletion of the service
> > * information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> could not be found in the registry server and of the
> > * value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteService(String sid, String servicekey[]) throws
> RemoteException;
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to delete service binding information (like
> service binding id, service binding description, and
> > * service binding access URI) from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method), based on the service binding id. An integer (int) value
> of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> > * service binding information whereas the value "1" is returned if
> the service binding id could not be found in the
> > * registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service
> binding information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the
> service binding information has been successfully deleted from the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the
> service binding information was not deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceBinding(String sid, String servicekey[])
> throws RemoteException;
> >
> >}
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >package org.jssl.serviceregistry;
> >
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managebusiness.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managecategory.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservice.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservicebinding.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageconcept.*;
> >
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.dac.registryaccess.*;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryInquiryUrl;
> >import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryPublishUrl;
> >
> >import com.sun.xml.registry.uddi.infomodel.*;
> >
> >import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*;
> >
> >import java.util.Vector;
> >import java.rmi.*;
> >
> >public class RegistryImpl implements RegistryIF
> >{
> > private ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry();
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to set the default private/public registry
> server?s publish URL.
> > * @param purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * @param uname Client Username.
> > * @param pword Client Password.
> > * @return String
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>sid Session Id.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String setDefaultPublishUrl(RegistryPublishUrl purl[], String
> uname, String pword) {
> > return sr.setDefaultPublishUrl(purl, uname, pword);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to get the default private/public registry
> server?s publish URL.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @return purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public RegistryPublishUrl[] getDefaultPublishUrl(String sid) {
> > return sr.getDefaultPublishUrl(sid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to set the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL.
> > * @param qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * @param uname Client Username.
> > * @param pword Client Password.
> > * @return String
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>sid Session Id.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String setDefaultInquiryUrl(RegistryInquiryUrl qurl[], String
> uname, String pword) {
> > return sr.setDefaultInquiryUrl(qurl, uname, pword);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to get the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @return qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> > * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public
> registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public RegistryInquiryUrl[] getDefaultInquiryUrl(String sid) {
> > return sr.getDefaultInquiryUrl(sid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new business information like
> business name, business description,
> > * contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email
> address to the given public/private
> > * registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new business whereas the null string is
> returned for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the business information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> >
> > public String[] registerBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.registerBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password, org);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered business information like
> business name, business description, contact
> > * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address
> to the given public/private registry server?s
> > * publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned
> for successful updating of the existing business
> > * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business
> failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> > * server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.updateBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered business information like
> business name, business description, contact person
> > * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address from the
> default public registry server?s publish URL
> > * (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> > * of the existing business whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> for updating business failure and the integer value 2
> > * is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.updateBusiness(sid, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service information like
> service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and accessurl to the given public/private registry
> server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> > * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing service whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> > * for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned
> for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl srv[]) {
> > return sr.updateServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> businessid, srv);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service information like
> service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and accessurl from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> successful updating of the existing service
> > * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service
> failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> > * server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateService(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.updateService(sid, businessid, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service binding
> information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> > * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The
> updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> > * successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the
> integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding
> > * failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure /
> error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service
> Binding not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl
> srvbdg[]) {
> > return sr.updateServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> serviceid, srvbdg);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered service binding
> information like service binding description, and accessurl
> > * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating
> > * status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> of the existing service binding whereas the
> > * integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding failure
> and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> > * failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service
> Binding not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateServiceBinding(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceBindingImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.updateServiceBinding(sid, businessid, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to update registered category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification description to the given public/private
> registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> > * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing category whereas the integer value 1 is returned for
> > * updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> > return sr.updateCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password, category);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification description from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> successful updating of the existing category whereas
> > * the integer value 1 is returned for updating category failure and
> the integer value 2 is returned for server
> > * failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl
> org[]) {
> > return sr.updateCategory(sid, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to update registered concept information like
> concept names, concept description, etc. to the
> > * given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating
> status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> > * successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer
> value 1 is returned for updating concept failure and
> > * the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cpt[]) {
> > return sr.updateConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, cpt);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to update registered concept information like
> concept names, concept description, etc. from the
> > * default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> > * an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the
> existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is
> > * returned for updating concept failure and the integer value 2 is
> returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> > * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> > * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] updateConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.updateConcept(sid, org);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new business information like
> business name, business description, contact
> > * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address
> to the private/public default registry
> > * server?s publish URL (by setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The
> registration status of an UUID string is
> > * returned for successful registration of the new business whereas
> the null string is returned for registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization
> objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the business information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> > return sr.registerBusiness(sid, org);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification scheme description with the given public
> registry server?s publish URL. The registration status
> > * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the
> new category whereas the null string is returned
> > * for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the category information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> > return sr.registerCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> category);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new category information like
> classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> > * and classification scheme description with the default
> private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful registration
> > * of the new category whereas the null string is returned for
> registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cat[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the category information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerCategory(String sid,
> ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> > return sr.registerCategory(sid, category);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new concept information like
> concept name, concept description, and external link to the
> > * default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status
> > * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the
> new concept whereas the null string is returned for
> > * registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl concept[]) {
> > return sr.registerConcept(sid, concept);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service information like
> business id, service name, service description, service
> > * binding description, and service access URI with the given public
> registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> > * status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration
> of the new service whereas the null string is
> > * returned for registration failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl sinfo[]) {
> > return sr.registerServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> businessid, sinfo);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register service binding information like
> service binding description, and accessurl to
> > * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The
> registration status of an UUID string is returned for
> > * successful registration of the new service binding whereas the
> null string is returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service binding information has not been
> registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[],
> String username[], String password[], String serviceid[],
> ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) {
> > return sr.registerServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username,
> password, serviceid, sinfo);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register concept information like concept
> names, concept description, etc. to the given
> > * public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new concept whereas the null string is
> returned for server failure / error.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully
> registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered
> (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cptinfo[]) {
> > return sr.registerConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, cptinfo);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service information like
> business id, service name, service description, service
> > * binding description, and service access URI to the default
> private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful registration of
> > * the new service whereas the null string is returned for
> registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service information has not been registered
> (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerService(String sid, String businessid[],
> ServiceImpl sinfo[]) {
> > return sr.registerService(sid, businessid, sinfo);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to register new service binding information
> like service id, service binding description,
> > * and service binding access URI to the default private/public
> registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID
> string is returned for successful
> > * registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is
> returned for registration failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @param srvbdg[] Array of
> javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> > * @return String[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully
> registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * <li>null if the service binding information has not been
> registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public String[] registerServiceBinding(String sid, String
> serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) {
> > return sr.registerServiceBinding(sid, serviceid, sinfo);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the businesses based on
> business ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessesByKey(String inquiryurl[],
> String businessid[]) {
> > return sr.viewBusinessesByKey(inquiryurl, businessid);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> > * business id, business name, business description, contact person
> name, contact telephone number, and
> > * contact email address based on the exact business name. A object
> array containing business information is
> > * returned upon successful retrieval of the business information
> whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * business name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgname Exact Organization Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> businessname) {
> > return sr.viewBusinessByName(inquiryurl, businessname);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> > * business id, business name, business description, contact person
> name, contact telephone number, and contact
> > * email address based on the business name (wild card). A object
> array containing business information is returned
> > * upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon business name
> > * search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusinessByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> businessname) {
> > return sr.viewBusinessByUrl(inquiryurl, businessname);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the private/public default registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultInquiryUrl() method) for business information like
> business id, business name,
> > * business description, contact person name, contact telephone
> number, and contact email address based on
> > * the business name (wild card). A object array containing business
> information is returned upon successful
> > * retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("")
> is returned upon business name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id.
> > * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Organization[] viewBusiness(String sid, String businessname) {
> > return sr.viewBusiness(sid, businessname);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for category information
> > * like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and
> classification scheme description based
> > * on the exact classification scheme name. A object array containing
> category information is returned
> > * upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * category name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catname Exact ClassificationScheme Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByName(String
> inquiryurl[], String categoryid) {
> > return sr.viewCategoryByName(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the specified public registry
> server?s inquiry URL for category information like
> > * classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and
> classification scheme description based on the
> > * classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing
> category information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty
> object ("") is returned upon category
> > * name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByUrl(String inquiryurl[],
> String categoryid) {
> > return sr.viewCategoryByUrl(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default public registry server?s
> inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for category information like classification scheme type,
> classification scheme name, and classification
> > * scheme description based on the classification scheme name (wild
> card). A object array containing category information
> > * is returned upon successful retrieval of the category information
> whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> > * wild card classification name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategory(String sid, String
> categoryid) {
> > return sr.viewCategory(sid, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for service binding information like service binding id,
> service binding description, and service binding access
> > * URI based on the service binding id. A object array containing
> service binding information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service binding information whereas an
> empty object ("") is returned upon service binding id
> > * search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvbdgid Valid Service Binding Id
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding id has been found in the
> given private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service binding id could not be found (failure) in
> the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBinding(String sid, String
> conceptid) {
> > return sr.viewServiceBinding(sid, conceptid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for concept information like concept id, concept name,
> concept description, and external link based on the
> > * concept name (wild card). A object array containing concept
> information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> > * concept information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> wild card concept name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConcept(String sid, String conceptid) {
> > return sr.viewConcept(sid, conceptid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the default private/public registry
> server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> > * method) for service information like service id, service name,
> service description, service binding description, and
> > * service access URI based on the service name (wild card). A object
> array containing service information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty
> object ("") is returned upon wild card service name search failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewService(String sid, String servicename) {
> > return sr.viewService(sid, servicename);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for service information like service
> > * id, service name, service description, service binding
> description, and service access URI based on the exact
> > * service name. A object array containing service information is
> returned upon successful retrieval of the
> > * service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> service name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvname Exact Service Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServiceByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> servicename) {
> > return sr.viewServiceByName(inquiryurl, servicename);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for service information like
> > * service id, service name, service description, service binding
> description, and service access URI
> > * based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing
> service information is returned upon
> > * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty
> array ("") is returned upon service
> > * name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServiceByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> servicename) {
> > return sr.viewServiceByUrl(inquiryurl, servicename);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service binding information (like
> service binding id, service binding description, and
> > * service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s
> publish URL, based on the service id. An integer
> > * (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> service binding information whereas the value "1" is
> > * returned if the service binding id could not be found in the
> registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> > * service binding information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the
> service binding information has been successfully deleted from the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the
> service binding information was not deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the service binding information has not been deleted
> (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String srvbdgid[]) {
> > return sr.deleteServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> srvbdgid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the services based on service
> ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvinfo[] if the service ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Service[] viewServicesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String
> serviceid[]) {
> > return sr.viewServicesByKey(inquiryurl, serviceid);
> > }
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the service bindings based on
> service binding ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding ids has been found in the
> given private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the service binding ids could not be found (failure) in
> the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBindingsByKey(String
> inquiryurl[], String srvbdgid[]) {
> > return sr.viewServiceBindingsByKey(inquiryurl, srvbdgid);
> > }
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the categories based on
> ClassificationScheme ids from the default private/public
> > * registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>catinfo[] if the category ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the category ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoriesByKey(String
> inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) {
> > return sr.viewCategoriesByKey(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to retrieve all the concepts based on concept
> ids from the default private/public registry server.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept ids has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept ids could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid[]) {
> > return sr.viewConceptsByKey(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> > * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the exact
> concept name. A Concept object array containing
> > * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> concept information whereas an empty object ("")
> > * is returned upon concept name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptname Exact Concept Name
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptByName(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid) {
> > return sr.viewConceptByName(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to search the given public registry server
> inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> > * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the concept
> name(wild card). A Concept object array containing
> > * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> concept information whereas an empty object ("") is
> > * returned upon concept name search failure.
> > * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> > * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public Concept[] viewConceptByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String
> categoryid) {
> > return sr.viewConceptByUrl(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete business information (like business
> id, business name, business description, contact person name,
> > * contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the
> specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> > * business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon
> successful deletion of the business information whereas the value
> > * "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> > * deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the
> business information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String businesskey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> businesskey);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete business information (like business
> id, business name, business description, contact person
> > * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address) from
> the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by
> > * the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the business id. An
> integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful
> > * deletion of the business information whereas the value "1" is
> returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> > * server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the
> business information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteBusiness(String sid, String businesskey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteBusiness(sid, businesskey);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete category information (like
> classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> > * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the
> specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> > * category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon
> successful deletion of the category information whereas the value
> > * "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the
> registry server and the value "2" is returned upon category
> > * information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the
> category information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String categoryid[]) {
> > return sr.deleteCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> categoryid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept
> id, concept name, concept description, etc.) from
> > * the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> concept id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned
> > * upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the
> value "1" is returned if the concept id could not be
> > * found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> concept information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String conceptid[]) {
> > return sr.deleteConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, conceptid);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete category information (like
> classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> > * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the
> default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> > * setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the category id. An
> integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> > * of the category information whereas the value "1" is returned if
> the category id could not be found in the registry server
> > * and the value "2" is returned upon category information deletion
> failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the
> category information was not deleted from the specified private/public
> registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteCategory(String sid, String categorykey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteCategory(sid, categorykey);
> > }
> >
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept
> id, concept name, concept description, and external link)
> > * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the concept id.
> > * An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> of the concept information whereas the value "1" is
> > * returned if the concept id could not be found in the registry
> server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept
> > * information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteConcept(String sid, String conceptkey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteConcept(sid, conceptkey);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service information (like service
> id, service name, service description, service binding description,
> > * and service access URI) from the specified public registry
> server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer (int) value
> > * of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service
> information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> > * could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is
> returned upon service information deletion failure.
> > * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry
> servers
> > * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the
> private/public registry servers.
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String
> username[], String password[], String servicekey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password,
> servicekey);
> > }
> >
> > /**
> > * This method is used to delete service information (like service
> id, service name, service description, service binding
> > * description, and service access URI) from the default public
> registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method), based on the service id. An integer (int) value of "0" is
> returned upon successful deletion of the service
> > * information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> could not be found in the registry server and of the
> > * value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service
> information has been successfully deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service
> information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry
> server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteService(String sid, String servicekey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteService(sid, servicekey);
> > }
> >
> >/**
> > * This method is used to delete service binding information (like
> service binding id, service binding description, and
> > * service binding access URI) from the default public registry
> server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> > * method), based on the service binding id. An integer (int) value
> of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> > * service binding information whereas the value "1" is returned if
> the service binding id could not be found in the
> > * registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service
> binding information deletion failure.
> > * @param sid Session Id
> > * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> > * @return int[]
> > * <ul>
> > * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the
> service binding information has been successfully deleted from the
> specified private/public registry server.
> > * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the
> service binding information was not deleted from the specified
> private/public registry server.
> > * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure)
> from the specified private/public registry server.
> > * </ul>
> > */
> > public int[] deleteServiceBinding(String sid, String servicekey[]) {
> > return sr.deleteServiceBinding(sid, servicekey);
> > }
> >
> >}
> >
> --
> =============================================
> There is only one me, I must live myself!
> There is only one today, I must live itself!
> =============================================
> <>
> =============================================

There is only one me, I must live myself!
There is only one today, I must live itself!